
  1. Panolyman

    Anniversary thanks

    I'd just like to thank every single member on this wonderful forum for putting up with me over the last year. (I had hoped to post on my exact anniversary but I was away tending to my very poorly 93-year-old step-Dad.) Like several others on here, I'd hit a bit of a slump with my photography...
  2. Irene McC

    My two-year anniversary

    How synchronous. I randomly checked the date on which I joined here because I was wondering which photos I may have already posted from my back-catalogue. To my surprise I saw that (yesterday) it's my 2-year anniversary here! Thank you to everybody who has supported my images and added...
  3. rayvonn

    TIH 28 February

    These pictures from a week of so ago are of a platform that I only just realised was the scene of the Moorgate tube disaster. Today is the 49th anniversary of that. Never to be forgotten.