
  1. Zeus1

    Apple Viewing the newest ORF files under Apple OSX

    Running Ventura (and according to other users, also Sequioa), it is at this moment impossible to "quicklook"(selecting ORF in the Finder and hitting spacebar) ORF files of the OM1 mark ii. And this is due to missing support from Apple to view these RAW files. A member on pointed me...
  2. S

    Apple Om Workspace on Mac Mini m4?

    I'm leaving windows for Mac mini m4. And I'm casting about for alternatve software. I'm looking at On1, Affinity photo, DXO Photolab, and as an m43s shooter, I will want to have Workspace as an alternative, or even possibly work it i to my permanent workflow. How is OM Workspace on the Mac?
  3. mnhoj

    Apple Which external SSD for new MacBook Pro

    My 2019 Intel MBP with 512gb of internal storage is getting a little frail. It won't run the Topaz photo AI that I just bought on sale. I'm going to replace it with an M4 (Thunderbolt 5) with a 1TB drive and looking to add a fast external for photo editing. I haven't put much research in it but...
  4. JensM

    Apple Edumacate me on the Mac Ecosystem

    Its as easy and I have found, difficult as the headline implies. I have been a windows user since I got my first laptop, a TI with B/W screen and 40 Mb of internal storage and dabbled with a bit of tinkering on and off over the years and an android user since that came around. Doing...
  5. gryphon1911

    Apple My M4Pro Mac Mini is here

    Just got back home with it. Unboxing now. Box fresh!! Will keep you informed on how it performs once I get it setup, Lightroom installed and my catalog moved over!!
  6. gryphon1911

    Apple Screen Resolution on MacBook Air M3 and Judging Sharpness/Noise

    I know this is going to sound like a weird question but bare with me. My current desktop monitors are running at 1080p. My macbook Air has 2560x1664. I've noticed that when processing images on the mac, that the higher resolution and pixel density seems to "hide" or "obscure" noise more as...
  7. gryphon1911

    Apple What Apple Laptop For A First Time User?

    OK, my experience with Apple goes to the watch, iPad and iPhone...but i have never, but for a brief foray into using a Mac for running a media display at church, used a macbook. I've always been a Windows or Linux user. My wife is flirting with giving up her aging Surface Pro for something...
  8. Charzes44

    Android to Apple iOS

    My wife uses an iPhone, and I have a Motorola G5S Android phone. She is completely non technical, and is unable to operate my phone, which she may need to do one day, in an emergency, say. So I am buying myself a refurbished iPhone SE 2nd generation. Will I have any problems transferring my...
  9. L0n3Gr3yW0lf

    Apple My relationship with Apple products is not getting better.

    Pretty much as the title says, I'm almost a year into using a Mac Mini M1 and my first time using Mac OS. I've had many issues with Mac OS: *My external HDD and dock keeps disconnecting and Time Machine fails to backup (the setup worked fine on my Windows laptop) *Not enough USB external ports...
  10. W

    Apple External SSD failure

    Only had a Mac for a year and still have Windows PC for work, and the wife has hers for her work too. I have a Crucial X8 SSD, formatted as ExFat (as I use Windows too). Was working all OK, and then it was not. Tried various Mac repair type work, but to no avail. Plugged it into Windows PC and...
  11. Kevin

    Advice Wanted MacBook for web testing recommendations?

    I'm back to considering picking up a cheap MacBook for testing. Costco has the 13.3" MacBook Air (M1 / 8GB / 256GB) on sale for $749. I believe it's the 2020 model. Thoughts on it versus going bigger with the 15" versions? Are the keyboards on both the 13" & 15" physically the same size or...
  12. Toddster

    Help needed understanding iCloud for photo storage

    I noticed in another thread: Cloud Storage .... Several members are using iCloud for photo storage. I use iCloud for document storage but can’t quite figure out how to go about setting it up to back up all of my photos. I need a little help understanding exactly how that would work. I know...
  13. Jon BEV

    Micro 4/3 Apple a day.

  14. L0n3Gr3yW0lf

    Apple A kind request to Apple M1 8GB device users

    Hello. I would kindly request anyone who has an Apple product with M1 8GB RAM (iMac 2021, Mac Mini, MacBook Air 2020) and access to Adobe Lightroom to test RAM usage for editing 42 MP files. I can provide the RAW files if needed, I just need to know if the device can handle extensive editing...
  15. Zeus1

    Advice Wanted Looking for a new Apple computer

    First off, I use Apple computers, so any suggestions for a Windows box is unnecessary. At the moment I use a late 2014 iMac 27 inch with 32 gb RAM, mainly for photo processing (Photoshop, DXO Photolab, NeoFinder, ...). This machine is showing its age mainly due to evolving software that needs...
  16. drd1135

    My Apple Watch is the Speaker for the Dead (iPhone)

    I woke up Saturday and my iPhone 12 was unresponsive, i.e., the display would not come on. The odd part was that it was clearly still on and active. When I plugged it in I got the "charging" sound. The weirdest thing was that my watch was clearly still talking to the phone. All the info...
  17. Biro

    Apple Some Macs Getting Fewer Updates Than They Used To

    A piece worthy of your attention if you're a Mac user.
  18. P

    Apple IOS is so frustrating!

    So, a few weeks ago I bought my first ever apple product, an ipad mini. Love the photography related apps. But most everything else is a frustrating nightmare! The filemanagment for even something like an epub makes me want to pull my hair out. How is this so popular? Thought maybe it could do...
  19. M

    Apple Aperture Importing question

    Hello everyone, It's been a while since I've posted here, but know I can always count on you to help me out. I'm using Aperture 3.6, and was wondering about the differences in using JPEG as Original vs RAW as original (when importing). I can see the difference on screen, but what about the...
  20. CameraderieBot

    Apple Apple Introduces iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Mini

    Apple Introduces iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 mini, Delivering Breakthrough Camera Innovations and a Powerhouse Chip with an Impressive Leap in Battery Life CUPERTINO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apple® today introduced iPhone® 13 and iPhone 13 mini, the next generation of the world’s best smartphone...
  21. Matero

    Apple Lightroom Classic updated to support Silicon Macs

    I just wondered few days ago how long can it take for Adobe to start supporting Silicon M1 Macs with Lightroom Classic. Well, the update is now ongoing on the background 😎 EDIT: And the new Universal Lightroom Classic feels snappy on M1 Mac mini with just 16GB memory. (And Big Sur 11.4 MacOS)
  22. kyteflyer

    Apple MacOS: Lyn App

    This may be of interest to some Mac users, especially those of us on older hardware. I bought a licence for the Lyn app a few years ago but never really gave it serious consideration. How foolish of me. Its lightweight, and it does both image management and basic editing. It will also send...
  23. The Quiet Photographer

    Apple iPhone xr

  24. gryphon1911

    Smartphone FIMO PAN-X/Tri-X 400 Images From My Walk Today - Pano

    A new film simulation dropped a little bit ago for the FIMO camera app in the App Store. It pay homage to a PAN-X camera loaded with Tri-X 400 film. I kinda like it, and played with it a bit today during my 3.5 mile walk through the woods at lunch today. Thought I would share: 1 2 3 4 5
  25. grebeman

    Stroll Old apple varieties in an old orchard

    My landlord, Graham, who formerly farmed the land following in the footsteps of his father and uncle still maintains the old award winning cider orchard attached to the farm, replanting any windblown or dead trees with new ones of similar old varieties. He's just started labeling them so now I...
  26. Bantopa

    Apple Back yard

    June 1, Netherlands
  27. gryphon1911

    Apple iOS 13.1.1 and bricking iPhones - discussion

    I'm on the fence. I've been a long time Android user, but with Google showing their true face here recently(I'll not get into the politics of it, just suffice it to say that it is enough to get me to seriously think of divesting of all the Google products I have) and the early reviews of the...
  28. CameraderieBot

    Fuji Fujifilm Camera Remote app has wi-fi issues with iOS 13 To our valued customers Thank you very much for purchasing and using our products. Apple has released the new OS(iOS13) for smartphones and tablets. We have confirmed the function of the application software for smartphone FUJIFILM Camera Remote with...
  29. drd1135

    Apple trying to buy Sony Pictures

    Who cares, right? It did make me wonder, however, what could happen if Apple acquired an imaging division and let them use Apple's computational photography expertise. It probably won't happen, but I still wonder what such a product would be like, e.g., a fixed zoom large sensor camera with...
  30. CameraderieBot

    Apple Apple Introduces Dual Camera iPhone 11

    Apple Introduces Dual Camera iPhone 11 CUPERTINO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apple® today announced iPhone® 11, delivering innovations that make the world’s most popular smartphone even more powerful, improving the features people use the most throughout their day.1 iPhone 11 introduces a...
  31. Kevin

    Apple Apple announces Aperture sunset date, suggests migration to Adobe Lightroom Classic or Apple Photos

    If you're still using Apple's Aperture on your MacOS machines, even though Apple discontinued updating it back in 2014, you'll be facing an upgrade decision. MacOS Mojave will be the last version of the OS that will support running Aperture "for technical reasons". Apple's suggestion is to...
  32. Kevin

    MacOS: Is Safari tied to the operating system or is it independently installed & upgradeble?

    On the MacOS, is Safari part of the OS and is upgraded when the OS is updated or is it treated as any other application that can be independently installed and upgraded as needed? The end goal of my pondering is to find a balance between an old MacBook Pro where it might not necessarily be...
  33. Herman

    What makes this Apple so special?

  34. Herman

    Transmission warning

    Transmission Source:
  35. R

    ipad air

    I've been given an ipad Air - trouble is I'm a living anachronism that don't do mobile phones or texts so the technology & terminology is a bit out of reach - think next room or even the other side of the street. I've got as far as plonking a playlist on but as far as photos go I'm getting...
  36. Herman

    Who's (un)happy with their tablet computer?

    Many got a tablet computer like Apple iPad. Is this a replacement to a netbook/notebook or just a wanna have product. Which operating system you prefer and why. I will have a look at Archos G9 NOW. Replies are welcome, thanks in advance.:smile:
  37. Cider apples (windfalls)

    Cider apples (windfalls)

  38. Cider apples

    Cider apples

  39. Cider apples

    Cider apples

  40. Cider apples

    Cider apples

  41. Old cider apple tree

    Old cider apple tree

  42. Old cider apple tree

    Old cider apple tree

  43. Armanius

    I am finally switching to MAC!

    I just placed an order with Amazon (via our affiliate link of course) for an 11" Mac Book Air. I've meaning to switch for at least a year or two, but could never pull the trigger. Then when I was about to pull the trigger, I wasn't sure if I should get an iMac first or a MBA first. The need...
  44. BillN

    Ipad 2

    Ipad 2 - just the ordinary one with Wifi There seems to be a waiting list in the UK Can you get them in the good olde US my wife wants one!!!! urrrgggg ....... what is happening -