
  1. arkitect

    Architecture Paestum - Ancient city south of Naples

    Paestum, Magna Græcia Greek colony c. 600BCE Finally managed to get to Paestum. Every time I have been to Naples my plans to travel to Paestum were thwarted by… events. This time I got lucky. A quiet Sunday in December… after the morning rain cleared away the sun came out and turned the stone...
  2. melanie.ylang

    Architecture Wando Dale Homestead

    Wando Dale is a privately owned mansion in Victoria's Western District. Our car club was privileged to visit it briefly. Clever me had decided my Sigma 56mm needed an outing, so I was shooting at an unwieldy 112mm equivalent! Anyway, I got a few details to share.
  3. theoldsmithy

    Architecture A splendid Tudor house - Little Moreton Hall

    LMH, as it's known locally, is in the county of Cheshire, only about 6 miles from where we live. I haven't visited for more than 10 years, though. It's in the care of the National Trust, as are so many historic houses. The hall was built for the Moreton family in the mid 16th century. The...
  4. S

    Travel One or two from Athens 2023

    So I like to get around and have hundreds of shots of places I have visited, so a few from Athens a9 and 24-70 zeiss f4
  5. agentlossing

    Scenic Show Greece

    Here is a thread for all your Hellenic images! I'll start with one from Psirri, Athens.
  6. john m flores

    Architecture For the love of books

    Libraries, bookstores, the books themselves! Let's share our love of books and the written word. I'll start - Old Library at Trinity College Dublin by John Flores, on Flickr
  7. Robbo

    Yonok Lake Fisherman

  8. Robbo

    Wat Rong Khun

  9. Tim Williams

    Sunday morning Bloody Mary

    Gail, My Fiance who is sadly deceased was a very wordly lady and loved a good coctail and a good hole in the wall getaway as I do. This place she took me to was In Ft. Pierce , Fl which I know well but Had never been there. Sadly her days were cut short by Cancer but we had soome good times.
  10. pdk42

    A few shots from Leiden

    All shot with the Pen-F and various of the Oly small primes. Leiden by Paul Kaye, on Flickr Leiden by Paul Kaye, on Flickr Leiden by Paul Kaye, on Flickr The Marekerk, Leiden by Paul Kaye, on Flickr Leiden by Paul Kaye, on Flickr Leiden in the RaIn by Paul Kaye, on Flickr...
  11. W

    Travel La Sagrada Família, Barcelona

    Went to Barcelona. What a great place. The La Sagrada Família was magnificent. I changed from RAW/B&W JPG to RAW/Colour JPG as the colours just blew me away and I was enjoying the colour more than my usual B&W shapes/lines settings. The East wing has blue/green stained glass and the West...
  12. John King

    Architecture Grain silos, with or without art work

    We seem to be missing a thread for these interesting objects. It seems to have become a worldwide trend to paint them - massive scale artworks. Here is one that I have already posted elsewhere to start this thread.
  13. SteveBrickNJ

    Ireland and Northern Ireland

    I'm posting my photos that I took in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. I invite anyone who has Irish photos to add yours into this thread as well.
  14. bobriess

    Firenze from San Miniato al Monte

    Early blue hour...
  15. pdk42

    Some Covered Bridges in Vermont

    Only a small selection, but … Waitsfield Covered Bridge, VT by Paul Kaye, on Flickr Pine Brook Bridge, Washington County, VT by Paul Kaye, on Flickr Gold Brook Covered Bridge, Lamoille County, VT by Paul Kaye, on Flickr Pine Brook Bridge, Washington County, VT by Paul Kaye, on Flickr
  16. Albanybridge

    Scenic Albany Bridge.

    Albany Bridge, October 2019 by Christopher Weismann, on Flickr
  17. joayne

    Travel Heading back to Cuba..

    I was in Cuba about 8 years ago and I'm now heading back that way.. Here are some photos from the last trip. Anyone else want to contribute? Hemingways Pilar
  18. William Lewis

    An Early Autumn Drive

    Early October, sunny and crisp weather plus it's a day off. Nothing better for a bit of a drive...
  19. bartjeej

    CC wanted - wildflowers

    I took these two shots back to back - at a suboptimal aperture, after shooting the entire day at f/8 I went for a shallower DoF at f/4 shortly before and forgot to change back :doh: Anyway, I've two questions about them: 1. Which do you like better, and why? I'm considering printing one of...
  20. F

    San Carlos de Bariloche

    PXL_20230727_131827281x by william Heron, on Flickr
  21. Punkie

    Architecture Viaduc de Millau

    Here some pictures of the Viaduc de Millau.
  22. L0n3Gr3yW0lf

    Weston-Super-Mare Trip

    Went to the Photography Show on the 20th June 2023 at Weston-Super-Mare and it was my first time there. A lot of very interesting architecture and a mix of old and new buildings. The palm trees reminded me of my time living in Sicily and how much I miss living near the coast. A very...
  23. MoonMind

    Daily Challenge Today 1172

    ;) Et ceterum censeo: No pasarán. M.
  24. christilou

    Sicily ..... Q2

    Some random first shots from the Q2 in Sicily this week.
  25. William Lewis

    A Drive in the Wisconsin Countryside

    Went for a nice long drive this afternoon to and from an old Grist mill on the other side of the county from me. A pleasant way to spend my day off. All shot with my M 240, Chiyoko 50/2 at ISO 200.
  26. MoonMind

    Daily Challenge Today 1145

    Et ceterum censeo: No pasarán. M.
  27. S

    Architecture Business in Nowhere, USA

  28. pdurand

    Travel Abandonned - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram - Rishikesh (Beatles Ashram)

    Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram is the ashram of the famous Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who started the Transcendental Meditation movement. Although it was abandoned back in 1997, it has now been taken under the control of the forest department. In 1968, the ashram rose to fame and placed Rishikesh on...
  29. JensM

    Architecture Building details

    Happened upon an occasion to shoot at Kristiania College today, so in between shooting speakers keynotes and not as well as diverse crowd/mingling shots, I got in some shots for myself. Didn't find a tread for building details, so thought I would put one up.
  30. CD77

    Travel Recommendations for a visit to Vietnam

    Hi Cameraderie Friends, I've got a work trip to Vietnam coming up next week, a few days in Hanoi and then a few days in Ho Chi Minh (I've got a day off in Hanoi and about 8 hours in Ho Chi Minh), and I'm looking for recommendations for photographic locations in both cities. Thanks in advance...
  31. Jan Steinman

    Architecture Our House, a Very Fine House.

    I'm envious. We're in my step-daughter's sewing room, while the schedule on our tiny house slips by… was supposed to be done by July, then October, then "in the new year," then "end of the month…" (last month)
  32. gryphon1911

    Architecture Ohio Supreme Court Building (image heavy)

    Ricoh GR III with the GW-4 wide angle adapter (21mm field of view) 1 - My favorite - 4 image stitched vertical panorama of the supreme court main chambers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  33. gryphon1911

    Architecture Interior Ohio StateHouse (image heavy)

    All shot with the Ricoh GR III and GW-4 wide angle adapter (21mm field of view). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  34. MountainMan79

    Architecture Corporate Campus Photo Walk - Image Heavy

    I co-chair the photography club at work, and today we did a photo walk around our campus looking for cool lines, textures, and angles. It was a fun afternoon, and I grabbed a handful of shots I quite like. Most architectural stuff I shoot I prefer in B&W and with a wide angle, so I brought along...
  35. Alf

    Architecture Just two

    So it happens that I hear from my niece, and we agree to a meeting somewhere distant enough, so that we can share a walk, a little art, gorgeous food, and gossip aplenty. Milan fits the bill, and after sometime on the train there we are - and we head to the Bosch exhibit. Not only paintings...
  36. Alf

    Architecture Been there, done that. A tale of redoing things

    As you might remember we all witnessed the Second Coming of the X-E4, manifesting itself from the delights of the refurbished website of That Larger Congolomerate. This event, complemented by the celebrated arrival of a used 15-45, implied that the Little Berlin Trip was to be a shared affair -...
  37. DeeJayK

    Architecture Show: Door knockers

    There's a thread for doors and even one for door handles, but I couldn't find one to share this other category of functional door adornment. from San Miguel de Allende, Mexico Please feel free to share yours! - K
  38. Herman

    Show "Doors"

  39. Alf

    Architecture Day One?

    So it happens we are not going to the Opera, because of that inconvenience and the feeling of unease my dearest felt about it. So the Fidelio will wait, while nonetheless we head into town for a day one stroll, easily dressed for that. I do love the Rose Garden uphill, regardless of the...
  40. theoldsmithy

    Stroll A walk around Wells

    A walk around Wells, England's smallest city with one of its most impressive cathedrals. NB city in England historically meant a town with a cathedral although this has been relaxed a bit in recent years as more towns have been awarded city status. Anyway I digress... the front of the cathedral...
  41. Coksic

    Facades in the sunlight

  42. rayvonn

    Architecture Show: Bad Architecture

    I detest this building. Blighting the cityscape in Sydney. Now the city’s biggest, erect and shiny (probably as an ode to its male owner) and as overcompensations go, this one’s spectacular. Of course, the owner is far more powerful than the city’s politicians, so clearance was waved through...
  43. olli

    From my roof

    I took a few shots from the roof of my building at sunset a couple of nights ago. (All with X-E2 and XF18-55) Sunset over Manila Bay. Makati Central Business District Bonifacio Global City, Taguig
  44. George and Dragon

    George and Dragon

  45. Architecture

