
  1. CatsAreGods

    Color Show "Accidental photos" (not road accidents, but photo accidents that turned out more interesting than you expected)

    I'll start with this attempt at astrophotography. I moved the camera body in the middle of the exposure while getting used to Olympus computational modes after having my new camera for a whole day:
  2. L

    The clearest night of my life in Leavenworth, WA

    Went to a cabin about 5 miles East of Leavenworth, WA. Obviously the long exposure exaggerates the effect, but this was the clearest, brightest night of stars I've ever seen (and I've had some good ones) Got a funny sensor error or something in the upper right corner of the second photo...
  3. Jock Elliott

    Excellent resource for anyone interested in night sky photography

    check out There is a wealth of information there, including a downloadable guide to photographing the milky way: Nightscapes Guide Among the other goodies that can be found there are guides to choosing a lens for astrophotography, a point-and-shoot head to head...