
  1. jhawk1000

    Our League 42 Inner city baseball league had a clinic with the Pros. (Picture heavy)

    This morning I got up early, took my meds, and headed to the League 42 baseball fields. League 42 is a baseball league for players from 5-14 years of age going from t-ball to intense veteran baseball. Both boys and girls play and over the 11 years I have been with the league (since start up)...
  2. jhawk1000

    League 42 is back for the 10th season

    I brag a bunch about the inner city baseball league Linda and I were volunteers from the 2nd meeting planning a league. Our mission was to have this family and area-oriented and to make it as cheap as possible for kids to play. We started meetings 11 years ago and our first rules were it was...
  3. drd1135

    Baseball vs. $12K Lens

    It’s cheaper to just use a glove.