
  1. rflove

    Leica Showcase A walk with the M240 and a 50mm collapsible Leitz Summicron

    I've been playing withe the CL and M lenses and having no joy with the cheap Fotasy adapter, don't buy one. So I started shooting images with the same lens in the adapted CL as well as the M240. Guess what, there's nothing wrong with the lens or either camera so my wasted walk and time shooting...
  2. Brian

    Leica Showcase Industar-50 Collapsible Mount 50mm F3.5

    This lens is a Tessar formula 50/3.5 in a brass mount with "very shiny Chrome". Performance compares well with the post-war 50/3.5 coated Elmar and coated Zeiss Tessar 5cm F3.5. The I-50 is the third formulation of the 50/3.5 Tessar in the Industar series, it improves on the optics of the...
  3. Colin Clarke

    Leica SUMMICRON COLLAPSIBLE LTM - internal barrel reflection and lenshood

    Hello. A newbie question, in a way ... About a new to me c1952 SUMMICRON LTM 50 2.0 Collapsible. I used it this past weekend on a IIIf with some FP4 and the lens was sharp although low in contrast I found (but predicted when I read up about this lens). I chose not to use any filters or...