
  1. Irene McC

    Competition won with a staged photo

    Rather disconcerting
  2. MoonMind

    Daily Challenge Today 1164

    Et ceterum censeo: No pasarán. M.
  3. Roboticspro

    Sports Girls High School Gymnastics - Quad Competition and prep for State Meet

    Good Evening, Another Sunday afternoon in one of the local private venues that hosted local high school teams from RI. Got to use my new (to me) 1DX Mark II along with the R7; it was a great combo to cover the four stations along with each schools team rotations. Regards, Edd
  4. L0n3Gr3yW0lf

    Advice Wanted Fujifilm Pre-Shot VS. the competition?

    Hello, I am looking for any user that has experience with Fujifilm's Pre-Shot and if they can compare it to Panasonic's Pre-Burst and\or Olympus's Pro Capture. I am just curious how well is it implemented, like: *Can the X-Tx hold the display frame rate while it's pre buffering the images (for...
  5. Ingall

    Sports Judo competition

  6. drd1135

    Winning Shots in "Movement" Competition

    I normally don't direct people to photo contests but I found a few of these shots amazing, especially one dog shot.
  7. theoldsmithy

    Cameraderie photo challenge 13: “Gold” winner announced!

    This time, let’s see your interpretations of “Gold”. The challenge ends on Friday 11th of January 2019, so there is plenty of time for Christmas festivities as well. The rules as usual: 1. Either take pictures that match the nominated theme or select some from your portfolio. You must be the...
  8. theoldsmithy

    43rd SC challenge - Splash! Winner announced!

    After a week strolling on the beaches of North Cornwall, I returned home to find that the cold water tank in the attic had leaked and brought down part of the bathroom ceiling... so I figured a watery theme was apposite. Let’s see either literal or figurative interpretations. The rules: The...