
  1. H

    Critique Wanted Kanazawa Castle in the Evening

    I feel like neither composition is quite perfect, but out of these two which do you thing is stronger? 1: 2:
  2. iSilentP

    Travel From a recent trip to Meteora in Greece - June 2023

    From a recent trip to Meteora in Greece - June 2023 Had the pleasure of visiting my home country this past summer. Took the opportunity to visit the historic Meteora site where more than 500 years ago, monks built 24 Eastern Orthodox monasteries atop inaccessible peaks in this part of central...
  3. W

    Critique Wanted Recent trip to Sabi Sands

    Went for a quick 4 day trip to Elephant Plains. Well 4 days is very short from the Highlands of Scotland but an overnight flight to Jo'burg makes it easier. However BA delaying the flight by 15 hours when we were standing at boarding gate with our passes ready to board is just a pure and utter...
  4. rayvonn

    Sharpness isn't Everything (Open Thread)

    I like sharp images just as much but probably not more than the next person but don’t think it’s the be all and end all of photography so thought I’d start an open thread (and basically this forum’s version of the “Sharpness is a Bourgeois Concept" thread on RFF) for those so inclined. That may...
  5. Jan Steinman

    Bernie Meme

    Okay, this meme has sorta burned itself out, but I always loved it, so I'm reviving it here. To make things easier for would-be meme artists, I went to some trouble to mask Bernie, which I'm including here, in a PNG with alpha. So, your job, should you accept it, is to download masked Bernie...
  6. Nuskyn

    Show your "Blending Portrait"

    Not an original idea of mine, but I came across this somewhere online and tried it... A nice piece of texture ( treebark ) combined with a tough face and then trying to make a nice blend of both... I'm happy with the result ! Please add your work !
  7. CatsAreGods

    Color Show Fireworks!

    I couldn't find a current thread for this, so I figured this would be a good time (especially for those of us in the US). Last night, we visited our local open-air mall, hoping to catch their fireworks display. Unfortunately, there was a huge crowd (personal fireworks are banned in my county...
  8. melanie.ylang

    Documentary My Visual Diary 2022: Steampunk Festival!

    With rescheduling due to the you-know-what, it was a long time coming, but finally the inaugural Wimmera Steampunk Festival (in a small town in remote country Victoria, Australia) was held last weekend, and It Was AMAZING! After two years of few crowds, around 2500 people arrived (many in...
  9. fotoppi

    Show: "color diet" or "color is key"

    Moin and Hello, I don't want to interfere with existing threads, but I wonder if we could add one. How about pictures with intentionally reduced color, partially reduced colors, or partially intense colors? A bit like colorkey, but not as strict. And multi-color key allowed. Pointing out a...
  10. TraamisVOS

    Critique Wanted Which lens?

    Humour me - what do you think are the specs of the lens I used to take this photo:
  11. mike3996

    Critique Wanted This or that?

    As often happens, I took two substandard compositions. Some crop usually helps but now I have trouble choosing which one has better potential.
  12. D

    Critique Wanted Agua

    A little background: The blue barrels labeled "Agua" are placed along roadways in south Texas to aid the migrants crossing the border. Each year many die from dehydration after becoming lost and often their bodies are not found for years. Groups place the barrels filled with gallon jugs of water...
  13. William Lewis

    Critique Wanted Local Late Winter

    Still getting used to the new to me Nikon D3200. I was originally looking for images to convert to black and white but today was so beautiful and sunny that the colors just are too good to give away. Thoughts on them are appreciated.
  14. Walter Palmer

    Critique Wanted Help with cropping

    Which crop should I start from? 1. Or 2:
  15. mike3996

    Critique Wanted My filmroll (am I doing it correctly?)

    I find I take maybe twice the amount of shots with my UWA 21mm than with longer lenses. Here's my haul for today. 122 pics and some trials with using 21mm in blind zone focusing. Then I switched back to wider apertures and more careful aiming. Does this sort of a behavior look good to you...
  16. mike3996

    Critique Wanted Your image for Critique!

    A casual thread for whatever pictures you post, we give critique. I think this whole subforum is a little underused and let's hope this doesn't turn into mess? Took this today. Kind of like it but can't quite explain why, other than the zigzaggy lines all throughout the image. So I ask you...