
  1. MountainMan79

    Drone Shots W/NW

    Share your drone shots here, with or without commentary, however replies are unwelcome in a W/NW thread. Thanks!
  2. sh0wtime

    No Drone Action for about 2 years...

    Seeing as theres been no drone action here for a couple of years i thought i might try kickstarting. What drones do you guys have?
  3. CameraderieBot

    News PowerVision Hatching New All-In-One PowerEgg X Autonomous Personal AI Camera at CES 2020

    PowerVision Hatching New All-In-One PowerEgg X Autonomous Personal AI Camera at CES 2020 SAN MATEO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- #ArtificialIntelligence--PowerVision is launching its smart drone "PowerEgg X" at CES 2020, the device creates a new category of all-in-one autonomous personal AI camera...