LMH, as it's known locally, is in the county of Cheshire, only about 6 miles from where we live. I haven't visited for more than 10 years, though. It's in the care of the National Trust, as are so many historic houses.
The hall was built for the Moreton family in the mid 16th century.
My oldest daughter is savoring her first fish and chips at Pimlico in London. She goes every year about this time to attend Wimbledon if possible and to definitely attend Glastonbury Festival. She is roughing it with a rented tent with all the amenities of a small hotel room and will spend...
Mik Critchlow has passed away aged 68 (frightening.....same age as me!). He documented the hard lives of the working class folk; especially miners, in the north east of the country. He has left a legacy of wonderful material for future historians to look back on and comment "Did people really...
The Pennines is an area of uplands in the North of England. I spent a few hours there recently and bagged a few shots of the rolling hills in decent light. I thought I'd share them! All images are with the Olympus EM1.3, and all but one are with the 12-100 f4. I think this combo is a superb...
A walk around Wells, England's smallest city with one of its most impressive cathedrals. NB city in England historically meant a town with a cathedral although this has been relaxed a bit in recent years as more towns have been awarded city status. Anyway I digress... the front of the cathedral...
As advertised, I was in my home town of Fall River, Massachusetts, last week. It's an old mill town best known for it's unusual demographics (a large Portuguese population) and the famous Lizzie Borden murder case in the last 19th century. Half the town sits on a hillside that goes down to a...
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