This is a mere 150 yards up the lane from my cottage. It's the outflow of a small spring fed reservoir, virtually all the houses in the village (about 30) use this water as their water supply. This supply was gifted to the village by the last owner of the Charleton estate, the Marquis of...
A very difficult choice today, it was rather wet and I didn't venture beyond my back gate (it's actually in the photograph). Had Chris our local postman made more concessions in his mode of dress to the weather he may well have made it to the SIJ, as it is he'll have to be content with the...
It's a wet, cold day but Chris has made few concessions to the weather, a fleece top and a cap seem to be the only additions. I've seen him in his shorts with frost on the ground. Perhaps Royal mail cut backs mean they only issue their postmen with shorts these days.
I did speak to him from my...
Not a great deal to say about this. Local knowledge meant I knew where to find it and the sort of lighting conditions in which to tackle the subject, which was essentially overcast to eliminate the strong shadows that would otherwise have made the shot more difficult. This morning was the morning.
Just after sunrise this morning I took a short bus ride into Kingsbridge. From the bus I saw three men working on the slipway on the opposite shore. It turned out they were sorting out the rigging on their "Cornish Shrimper" prior to stepping the mast and launching the boat...
This is Squeeze Belly Lane in Kingsbridge, one of the narrowest public thoroughfares in the UK. The person in this shot is at about the narrowest part.
This is Clive, one of our local bus drivers and the husband of Mo (My favourite "barperson" day 25) waiting at Kingsbridge with the 09:15 from Dartmouth, departing Kingsbridge 10:30, arriving Plymouth 11:32. Clive has already done an early run Dartmouth-Kingsbridge-Dartmouth and after...
Yet another quick post breakfast dash up the hill behind my cottage, thankfully not all the way this time. This is the next to last (it was an equally quick dash home to avoid the last) of the early morning blustery showers after some heavy overnight rain.
Could it be that the ghost of that...
This is Mo pulling a pint of Otter Bitter. As some of you will know I make a habit of going to The Queens Arms at Slapton on a Friday for fish and chips and a pint of cider. Well I know today's not Friday and I promise I didn't have any fish (I've got home made fish chowder this evening). It was...
A totally drab and dreary day but these guys are having a good time anyway. They're in town for a conference of First Nations (i.e. Indians and Innuit) and wanted me to take their picture. Solved my problem for the day!
He appeared every morning. He fished by rolling up his line and waiting for the right moment to throw it on the out going wave and then reeling it in. I never saw him catch anything.
Today there are times when curtains of rain are sweeping across the fields, so a sheltered shot was called for. This is the 1st floor of the derelict barn featured on day 16.
This shot was obtained through a missing plank in the door at the end of the barn, the camera was inside on the rising...
Some friends have rented a condo for a month further along the bay from our hotel. This is the view looking back toward the town. I liked the reflections in the wet sand.
Another neighbour has her fuel delivered. You guys are going to think my village is a hot bed of "street" photography. Let me see, the dustbin men are here tomorrow, then maybe John Hannaford the butcher will be here on Wednesday, otherwise I'll have to wait until he is here on...
Serendipity 4 days running! With about 30 houses in my village, and not all of those occupied full time, it's unusual to chance upon something happening in the "street". I was off down the estuary on what was proving a difficult day when, just 2 minutes from my cottage I came across a...
A sunrise departure (if the sun was visible) from my cottage, up the hill with low cloud, drizzle and wind, over Great Luscombe and along the lane to Bowden Farm. Just after my arrival the cows were turned out into the yard to feed on silage following morning milking.
This one seemed more...
Low tide in Kingsbridge which is at the very head of the Salcombe estuary, which isn't truly an estuary since it doesn't have a major river discharging into it, technically it's a ria.
A bus ride followed by a short stroll around my local market town of Kingsbridge this morning, then the bus back out to Slapton for my usual Friday pub lunch.
This is Alan's Apple, a traditional greengrocers on the hill in Fore Street, although that's not Alan adding to the display, it turns...
This just wasn't planned, all sorts of little disasters today, so I'm having to fall back on this completely atypical shot for me. I wasn't the only one who decided a stroll at Start Point was in order as the rain cleared. Strangely enough it turns out the lady lives two villages away from me...
It's been a grey, overcast day with drizzle, mist and low cloud. As you ascend the hill behind my cottage you enter an almost monochrome world. Here's my attempt to portray that feeling.
I know it's been done before - many times but, it was a long day and I didn't have the energy for anything other than sitting on the balcony and taking shots of the sunset.
With a grey, overcast day forecast, I had something else in mind, then with my first cup of tea barely drunk I opened the kitchen blinds and that caused a mad dash to exploit the sunrise. I've never gone up the hill to the old carriage road so fast, a cylinder of oxygen would have been useful...
Well it's mid afternoon, the cloud has all evaporated and I'm lacking inspiration today so I'm going with one of my safeties from this morning.
I walked down the estuary as the sun was rising, managed to pass that line of trees I posted on day 14 and made it to the water, but something was...
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