
  1. bartjeej

    Feedback Featured photo - padding for text on mobile

    On mobile, the text above and below the featured photos on the home page (containing author, metadata and thread) has no padding at all, which means it starts immediately on the left hand side of the screen. This makes it feel uneasy and cramped. I started noticing this feeling (maybe a few...
  2. Georges


    Hi fellow photo lovers, I'm not exactly new to Cameraderie. I like the community. It's easygoing, respectful, gentle ... all good feelings ;) I live in Canada, southern Quebec. My gear is Nikon mainly, and Fuji. I would like to start a thread to show the work of renowned photographers whose...
  3. mike3996

    Feedback On Featured Photographs...

    We're gaining in members and we've been having discussions about discoverability of photographs, among other topics. We have tangented the topic of featured images section on our front page already. I would like to voice out a, well it may not be a concern but let's call it that, for a lack of a...