I spent some time today with my "like new" never been used V1 of the 35-100mm f2.8. Got this lens for $370 paypaled and shipped. For stills it is an amazing tool. I also did some shoots with my 58mm Canon 500D close up filter on the lens and the macros were very good (even in comparison 60mm Oly...
This is the third time it has done this. It will not respond to the usual fixes and refuses to open. I ran compatibility fixes but no go. I think this is a Windows issue as well so can't really lay all the grief on Google. Suggestions for a different browser . If it wont work, I'll replace it...
I drove by an abandoned school bus I had captured one and thought it would make a decent "time has passed." I did almost get a tick for the cause... found a little deer tick crawling up my pants after getting back to the car.
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