It's not a secret that I'm a keen software collector and tryer-outer. When I was putting the 2020 version of On1 Photo RAW to the test I was disappointed with how it merged a 3 photo exposure bracket from the X100T (+1. 0, -1).
So also owning Aurora 2019, Photomatix Pro 6.1.1 and Franzis HDR...
This is available for a week from the link below. I own and use V 5 Pro. It will blend exposure brackets or a single file. It is German software and English support is basic but it is reasonably intuitive to use even if you just rely on the presets...
Tried something different - this is a 3 shot bracket developed in HDR Efex Pro and then Silver Efex Pro to give a high key glow.
The initial scene has bright and dark areas and the +2, 0, -2 brackets were set in camera. I also shot in RAW, I have been using jpgs in days 1 to 10.
This is a 3 shot HDR converted in SEP2 (High structure) and cropped and sharpened in LR3 with a touch of vignette. Reminds me of moonlight although it's a bright 38C day here. Finally got past my driveway today.
I'm in Savannah and was in classes all day. Tried to get a couple shots this morning before heading out from the hotel but decided to concentrate on the street below my hotel when I got back. Took the liberty to run this one through a Nik plugin to get the feel I was looking for.
Back patio again - southern end. With our strong sunlight the camera by itself exposes for the highlights leaving the tree underexposed. This is a bracket from -3 to +3 EV. The X100 only manages +/-1 in camera but the EV dial lets you shift the brackets - really needs a tripod which I used...
An uninspiring subject but this is a 6 shot handheld HDR which I'm pleased with from the process point of view. Shot Raw X100 and tonemapped in Photomatix which did a good job of de-ghosting..
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