
  1. L0n3Gr3yW0lf

    Happy Holidays to everyone, 2024 Edition

    Happy Holidays friends and fellow shutter clickers, I wish you all unlimited battery life, endless storage space and the best light there could be for all of your images. Thank you for sharing your work, company and laughs within this community. Ovi.
  2. jhawk1000

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays 2022

    It is that time of the year again and everyone tries to celebrate the holiday. Some are not able to do so because of war, poverty, and other tragedies. I, My wife, Linda, my three dogs, Pete, Sissy and Heidi wish you a happy holiday, Merry Christmas. We tried to get the dogs settled down for...
  3. drd1135

    Some Holidays Shots

  4. MoonMind

    Another holiday thread: The south-eastern corner of Switzerland (Val Müstair) 2019

    This is not going to be as long and intense as last years thread, but some might find it interesting - because this time, I did the opposite: Instead of packing my most highly rated gear, I went with two compacts, the Panasonic FZ1000 and, again, the Canon G1X III, plus my father's Olympus XA...
  5. Kevin

    Thanksgiving 2018

    For those that celebrate it, we hope you have a great Thanksgiving with family & friends! After an early dinner out my wife & I are planning on spending this evening watching Snoopy in 'A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving' on DVD while enjoying some pumpkin pie & whipped cream. It's the little...
  6. Relaxing in Bermuda

    Relaxing in Bermuda

  7. 2nd_July_Grasse


    M8 not renowned for good high ISO - in fact it is criticised ISO 1250 tonight in Grasse near Nice and Antibes in the South of France