
  1. boojum

    Film Showcase UK B&W Ilford FP4 at 2.99

    Found this on YT. I know film is expensive. This could be an answer:
  2. drd1135

    Ilford Pop Up Darkroom

    I'm waiting for the inflatable Darkroom/Bounce House combo. It's actually pretty neat.
  3. theoldsmithy

    Film Showcase Ilford Ortho 80

    Olympus XA2, developed by AG Photo, scanned in Vuescan and cleaned up in Lightroom CC.
  4. olli

    Film Showcase Ilford Delta 100

    Here are a few shots with Ilford Delta 100 taken in Sofia, Bulgaria with my Minolta XD. Starting with a couple of shots of the Museum of Sofia, formerly the city's public bathouse. Just across the street is the spot where the hot spring water that used to feed the bathhouse is still being...
  5. olli

    Film Showcase Ilford Delta 400

    I see a thread for this film in the Colour Film Showcase but I assume that now there is a section specifically for B&W Film I should post this here. Here are a few scenes from Sofia, Bulgaria a couple of weeks ago when the snow was falling. Shot on Delta 400 with a Minolta CD and Rokkor MD...