image processing

  1. doobs

    Capture One shutting down user forums

  2. S

    Apple Om Workspace on Mac Mini m4?

    I'm leaving windows for Mac mini m4. And I'm casting about for alternatve software. I'm looking at On1, Affinity photo, DXO Photolab, and as an m43s shooter, I will want to have Workspace as an alternative, or even possibly work it i to my permanent workflow. How is OM Workspace on the Mac?
  3. Only RF

    Adobe price structure changes

    I'm surprised no one started a thread about this. There will new pricing structure as of Jan 15, 2025 but it will not effect most of the existing customers. There was a bit of confusion when first announced so I thought I post to explain what is actually happening. It would be really nice it...
  4. Glevum Owl

    PhotoPills App - Any Good?

    I’m looking to try and take more photos and maybe get a bit creative in 2025. I’m not sure what I’ll be doing but I wanted to stretch myself a bit and break out of being ‘just’ a family photographer. To that end I’ve been looking around for any software tools that might be of use for shooting...
  5. B


    Have a photo that has im assuming a watermark from a website but uts blurry . I desperately need to read this any suggestions? Or volunteers
  6. Brownie

    Software DXO's annual sale is here

    The next 8 days. I only have and use Pure Raw. Going to update this weekend.
  7. Brownie

    DXO's annual sale is here

    The next 8 days. I only have and use Pure Raw. Going to update this weekend.
  8. G

    Silkypix Pro 12

    Silkypix Pro 12 has now been released in the English version if anyone is interested.
  9. gryphon1911

    Software Mac Mini M4 Pro - Lightroom Denoise AI versus Topaz Labs Photo AI Denoise

    So I did a little test in case anyone is interested. I took the new Mac Mini M4 Pro, 48GB RAM, 1TB SSD, MacOS 15.1 and ran it through the Denoise AI of each program. File: Nikon Z8 Full RAW. 34.8MB in size. ISO 25,600, 1/320, f/6.3 Lightroom Denoise I just took the default option...
  10. OCBeyer

    Is AI the Visual Version of Auto Tune (or Paint by Numbers)?

    So, after years away from 500px, I logged on today and was appalled at the majority of AI generated images that assaulted my senses. It wasn't long ago that I tended to over-process my images, and today I will use AI to eliminate noise (in mostly older photos), but at least they are MY images...
  11. Toddster

    Lightroom (Desktop cloud-based) seems to be fully synced but blue circle keeps spinning

    I have this posted on Lightroom Queen but I thought I would also look here for advice from this friendly community. I know a lot of people here have a lot of experience with Adobe products. Just to get us around Adobes naming scheme let me try and be clear about what version of LR I am talking...
  12. doobs

    Capture One on sale for $179 at B&H
  13. Only RF

    Canon DPP will have Lightroom plugin

    I've read about it here and there. There was a video in French about but here is the latest. Still a little vague on details but something is coming. Start at minute 2:50
  14. JensM

    The Epson FF-680W, a first impression

    I have been somewhat struggling with the getting the family archive digitalised since I bought the Oly 60 mm Macro lens in 2016, with a few add-ons to get cracking on a task which has seen like a proper Sisyphus task. The family archives spans photos covering 110, 126, 35, 120 and Polaroid film...
  15. JensM

    Advice Wanted The Epson FastFoto FF-680W scanner, anyone tried this?

    This will be somewhat of a braindump of a train of though, sorry for that... Just stumbled over this one, and by the looks of it, it seems to be quite a nice, if slighty costly way to tackle the hoard of 120 years of family photograpy history I have crated up. Probably not the highest end...
  16. Glevum Owl

    Moving from Adobe: the story so far

    I'm done with Adobe. Up until recently I defended them and their offerings, tolerated the bugs unfixed for years, put up with that distracting line around the full screen images in LR, worked through the constant changes to the UI necessitating me relearning where commons tools now were, spent...
  17. Robmas4229

    Looking for a simple PP workflow

    I recently purchased a new laptop, with sufficient specs to run Lightroom Classic with plenty of RAM and processing capabilities to spare. I then signed up for the creative cloud package with LrC, LR and PS. Basic plan without the additional cloud storage as I already have Onedrive cloud storage...
  18. L0n3Gr3yW0lf

    Adobe is trying to steal users data in Terms of Service For those who don't want to click on links or read news articles: Adobe's new Terms of Service tells uses that Adobe is allowed to access your content through manual and automatic processes for review...
  19. drd1135

    Denoise suddenly faster in ACR

    I have an M1 Mac Mini running PS/ACR. I noticed a few days ago that the denoise feature in ACR is suddenly running much faster, e.g. 2 minutes down to 30 seconds. I normally just click on the upgrades when they arrive, so I feel I missed something. Anyone else experience this? Obviously, it’s...
  20. Glevum Owl

    Affinity (Serif) Sold

    Anyone else notice that UK based Serif, makers of PS alternative Affinity Photo, were bought out by Australian company Canva? I’m puzzled as to why there is nothing on the forum about this. Too few Affinity Photo users here? Or are we all happy with the alternatives?
  21. Bozzie

    CF card adapter question

    Hi This may sound like an odd question, but I have recently purchased an old Sony A100 which takes a CF card, which I am expecting any day now. If I bought a CF card / micro sd card adapter, (as my tablet only has a micro sd card slot) would this impair the image quality at all, or is it just a...
  22. agentlossing

    Software Camera Profiles in RAW Processing Software

    One of the things I have run into using somewhat less popular cameras (Ricoh, Pentax, Panasonic) is the lack of closely matching profiles when importing RAWs into software, be it Lightroom or DXO PhotoLab. It's evident when first importing a file, when it shifts to a rather ugly and flat file...
  23. olskool

    which lightroom?

    i am new here. i have been a film photographer since Moby dick was a minnow. i switched to digital about 20 years ago, but i have never in my life used a program to enhance my images. i want one now, they have several and i have no clue really. i am of course an amateur photographer and fair...
  24. Irene McC

    Conflicted. Adobe looks better than Capture One's edit

    Sigh. Deeeeep sigh. I used to be a huge evangelist for Lightroom but when I switched to using mainly Fuji, I bought into Capture One (2017) and invested heavily in annual upgrades for a perpetual license. I currently have only really old Photoshop and don't intend to go on the monthly...
  25. Brownie


    Was shooting a presentation event for a friend. Got down to the last photo, probably the most critical one, and this old guy walks into the frame. I don't usually shoot these kinds of photos, and never even noticed him until I uploaded the shots. I tried everything I could think of to fix...
  26. doobs

    Capture One Lays Off Staff

    Who didn't see this coming?
  27. Glevum Owl

    A Lightroom Reality Check

    I'm the only person I know in the non-digital world using Lightroom Classic so would appreciate a reality check on my perception. Is it me or is LR's face recognition function getting worse? I have memories of it finding 90% of faces. Then a few updates ago the recognition rate fell to below...
  28. gryphon1911

    Software Sony Memory Stick Reader Info

    Just FYI - As a lot of you may already know, I've been experimenting with some vintage early 2000 digital cameras. 2 of which are Sony (F828 and R1) and they both came with Memory Stick cards. I tried connecting up the camera itself to the computer to download the images - but had no luck. I...
  29. SONIC

    How do I recover photos from my camera after accidentally formatting my SD card?

    Hello! I have encountered an unpleasant event. Accidentally formatted the memory card on my camera. And all my photos are gone. After a bit of google, I realised that you need special programs to recover photos. I even tried a few but didn't achieve the desired result .... Does anyone know how...
  30. doobs

    Capture One deprecating their Express packages

    Well, I guess this shouldn't come as a huge surprise based on the recent licensing changes: Capture One Express Deprecation FAQ My exposure to C1 came about through the Fuji version years ago. It's becoming clear that corporate has abandoned amateur user market. Unfortunate. I'll use my...
  31. Irene McC

    New version of Lightroom looks more intuitive to use

    I've switched from Adobe to Capture One in 2017, but prior to that I was a devoted Lightroom user and still follow their updates. This video by Matt Kloskowski makes the recently released version look very tempting. I hope this link works - watch the little video and enlarge it to full screen...
  32. Peano

    Software Can you solve this Photoshop puzzle?

    Here's a puzzle I can't solve. I'm running Photoshop 25.1.0. When I launch it, instead of getting my default workspace, I get the Home screen saying I don't have any cloud files (because I don't use the cloud). I have to click the PS icon at top left to get to my workspace. I've tried...
  33. C

    topaz Black Friday deal

    All their stuff for $300....Video and Still. Seems like a good deal. . Do you use it, and if so how do you like it?
  34. Brownie

    Fun with editing

    Took a walk today to shoot some Halloween and fall colors. This guy was in front of a store, part of our town's Downtown Scarecrow competition among businesses. I liked the shot, but too much junk. Decided to see if it could be saved. The color shot is a SOOC jpeg. All editing done in...
  35. Peano

    Software New computer questions

    My old computer died and I'm about to order a new Dell, probably this one. I'll be using the latest version of Photoshop, and probably also Topaz AI (I've impressed with what it can do). One question is whether there would be any significant difference between these two graphics cards: NVIDIA...
  36. Glevum Owl

    Software Recovery Software

    Not sure if this belongs here but I couldn’t see a more suitable area. Apologies if it’s in the wrong place. I stupidly erased all the images from SD card before I’d manually copied off a few .MOV files. I thought it’d be no problem as I have a data recovery program on my PC; Bitmart Restorer...
  37. Kevin

    AI Are there EXIF or any metadata tags for "AI" applications?

    A conversation about Photoshop's "Generative" fill features got me going down the proverbial rabbit hole and I ended up playing around with it to have some fun experiment. I was surprised by how easily I could start with a literal blank canvas in PS and then use the generative tools to generate...
  38. olli

    October 2023 Lightroom Update

    I just updated to the latest version of Lightroom Classic. While a lot of the focus has been on the Lens Blur and HDR features, the really significant update for me is the Point Colour setting. Not only does this allow very fine-grained control of HSL globally, it also works on local adjustments...
  39. L0n3Gr3yW0lf

    Photoshop's Generative Content Aware is amazing and powerful!

    I haven't been much of a Photoshop editor, Lightroom is 99% good enough for me, but when I need advanced features like Focus Stacking, Advanced Cloning, and Content-Aware Fill, it's my go-to software (well also because of the easy Edit-In ability of Lightroom). I used the Quick Select Tool and...
  40. Cederic

    Lightroom vs OM Workspace

    I was just checking something and found that Lightroom and OM Workspace don't display a RAW photograph from an OM-1 the same: (Same image on both sides - OM-1, OM 150-400 Pro at ISO25600, 188mm, f5.6, 1/400) One of them looks like it's reducing noise on import. I'm not sure that's a good...
  41. doobs

    EXIF "management"

    So, I've got a storied past when it comes to exif data in conjunction with DAM software. Many, many moons ago I bought a copy of iMatch. Used it (or attempted to) feverishly until the rot set in. In the early days a goodly amount of the functionality of iMatch was add-ins which were poorly...
  42. Toddster

    Need help understanding LR presets

    I am using Lightroom (not Lightroom classic) however this behavior seems to be the same on both platforms (I have LR Classic but only use it as a DAM). In LR there is a preset called "Adobe Color + Lens + NR" (it is in the Basics/Defaults folder in LR and in Defaults in LrC). It seems to use...
  43. doobs

    Workflow revisited

    Good morning all, My workflow has evolved over the years. Currently, thanks to the inadequacies of cataloging in Capture One, my workflow is such: Ingest using LightRoom. My three Fuji's are all supported by LR v6.14, so I use this, pretty much as I've done since I bought it to ingest photos...
  44. Glevum Owl

    LR’s Camera

    I’ve just discovered that LR on my iPhone has a camera that shoots RAW (DNG). Why did I not know this? Early days using it but editing on the phone then uploading to my Adobe account was easy. Tomorrow, I’ll be checking out the rest of the process: downloading from Adobe for further tweaking...
  45. Toddster

    Compare an image standard vs. enhanced processing

    This thread was started with the purpose of posting two copies of the same image. One with traditional processing and one with "enhanced" or "AI" processing. I started it to observe the difference once an image is posted and viewed on different devices. Others are certainly welcome to do the...
  46. Punkie

    Lightzone is still alive!!

    Lightzone is not dead!! It was further all years developed as freeware and it has now stable version4.2.4 and development version 5.0.0 beta1 It can be downloaded from GITHUB. When you search there you find it. After other people were developing , it is now further developed by Masahiro...
  47. Stu

    Luminar Neo [1.63] Powerline Removal

    Luminar Neo's one click powerline removal tool is pretty nifty! Not always perfect but in this case did a pretty good job, particularly where the lines run into the tree branches.
  48. Phil.H

    Advice Wanted New Lightroom/Photoshop user.

    I have been using DxO photolab for a few years now to edit my raw files. I've only had lightroom for a around a week and only edited a few images. I used a Tiff exported from DxO PL5 after doing the basic corrections. To get the most out of Lightroom would I be better using my Olympus raw files?
  49. Glevum Owl

    AI in PS

    So, anyone else tried the AI feature in the latest PS beta? Thoughts?
  50. doobs

    Capture One "Suspended User"

    So, I've not been able to access the user forum at Capture One for a bit, couple of weeks. I've sent them notice about it to no response. Today I logged into my account, no problem, and then migrated to the user forum. As has been the case recently, I get the "Please sign in to leave a...