
  1. gordo

    Film Showcase Flic Film Elektra 100 (respooled Kodak Aerocolor IV)

    Just received my first rolls of developed film, one of which is the Elektra 100. Figured I'd share some thoughts and images. Anyone else shooting with this or any of the other Aerocolor IV respools (Santa Color 100, Luminaire 100, maybe some others I'm not aware of) who wants to contribute...
  2. MountainMan79

    Film Showcase Kodak Portra 800

    No thread for this one, so why not.
  3. gryphon1911

    Nikon Nikon Film Simulations - Yes! Kodak Elite Chrome

    Again, props to FujiXWeekly for the recipe. The Recipe: Picture Control: Pop Quick Sharp: +0 Sharpening: +0 Mid Range Sharp: +1 Clarity: +2 Contrast: +1 Effect level: +30 Saturation: -2 Active D-Lighting: Normal High ISO NR: Low White Balance: 5200K WB Adjust: +0A/B...
  4. agentlossing

    Film Showcase Kodak Pro Image 100

    There wasn't a thread for this film stock yet. I just developed a roll yesterday using the Cinestill C41 2-bath kit, here are the selects, scanned using the Pro Image 100 profile in Silverfast on the Pacific Image XAs. I like these results, it is not the most color neutral/realistic, at least...
  5. gryphon1911

    Film Finally Got My Test Roll Developed From My Kodak Signet 35

    So, I finally took the roll of film from a few years ago to get developed from my test run of a Kodak Signet 35. I remember not enjoying the experience as much as I thought I would because of the very small viewfinder. I was mainly checking to see if it was serviceable in any way with accurate...
  6. Bobby T

    Fuji X-E1 merged with a 100 year old Kodak

    This looked really cool, with great results. http://lazlo.us/pictures/Objects/xE1-Kodak/
  7. jssaraiva

    Film One backup roll with a Fujifilm Silvi 24-50mm f/2.8 Zoom Date

    Hi, I recently sold a Fujifilm Zoom Date 2.8, aka Silvi. I've used this camera as a backup, only taking a few snaps every now and then. As a result, when I finally developed the Ektar it was loaded with, I was surprised to find a great variety of places this single roll visited: Andalucia...
  8. Biro

    Kodak Motion Picture Film

  9. davidzvi

    Brewery partners with Kodak, beer that doubles as film developer

    Not really a beer drinker or a film guy anymore, but kind of cool. https://www.dpreview.com/news/0772516271/craft-brewery-partners-with-kodak-to-create-a-beer-that-doubles-as-film-developer
  10. C

    Film Showcase Kodak TMax 100

    A shot from my TMax 100 roll. Mexico.
  11. C

    Film How do people like Kodak TMax 100?

    I keep hearing about Kodak's offerings of BW films, and I have been wondering about trying Tmax 100 (I like slower speed films). Any thoughts?
  12. Y

    Film Canon P

    First roll through Canon P. Second roll through with no light meter. Lens is Jupiter 3 (50mm f1.5).
  13. Y

    Film Mamiya C330

    Recently purchased Mamiya C330 + 105mm lens, Portra 400, basic scans at The Lab.
  14. sesser

    Film Kodak Ektar 100 prices

    This film is great. I haven't shot any in a while, but when it first came out (I think around 2007ish), you could get a roll for around $5US. Now it's closer to $7. Why the jump in price? Also, has it always been considered a "Professional" film? I can't remember, but I thought it was being...