This is for a combination of all M10 versions and the Leica Summicron 50. I recently acquired this lens and have fallen in love with it. Please feel free to add you contributions to the thread. Please include where the photos were taken.
The following were taken on a foggy morning on Oyster...
Some of the first shots off my new M10-P with this lens. SOOC. First shot was rotated slightly to get it level. Wide open.
It should be noted, although this lens shipped with the usual screw and chart for making adjustments, absolutely none were needed.
Just got it today and meant to go out longer but the weather went downhill quickly. I got a few quick samples of a couple of my usual suspects and came home to post them before work. Initial impression is very positive.
Resistance is Futile. I like fast lenses. This one was $550 from Popflash, one of the best camera dealers in the country. I've bought and sold on consignment through them.
This is the "Titanium" finish version, which has a 62mm filter ring- as opposed to the 67mm filter of the standard lens...
I recently acquired this lens (black finish) complete with LLL 39mm UV filter and screw in lens hood. Can’t consider the original which seems to attract US$30k at the moment. Took it out for an initial shoot late yesterday.
I've had this lens since December 2022, in "terms that I am used to" it is an Operational Development Model, or a prototype. Five of these lenses exist. I'm providing feedback that will go into the Production version of the lens.
This lens is based on the 1934 Carl Zeiss Jena 5cm F2 Sonnar...
Just got this one. 1959 production in screw mount. There is coating damage that is visible with a bright flashlight but based on these I'm not too worried. This was a simple run around the neighborhood to test the lens.
Out of my curiosity, these are all SOOC jpgs.
The new Voigtlander Nokton 50mm F1 uses aspherical optics, floating element, and special glass. Focus is spot-on throughout the entire range with my M9, and accurate at the tested apertures of F1, F1.4, F2, F2.8, and F4.
Nokton 50mm F1.0
Test Shots, have to put up my...
I picked this lens up a couple of months ago, have been using it on my Leica M9. Work has been "extremely busy", and taking some breaks while my Daughter is out of school.
This lens is fast, relatively compact, sharp, contrasty, and focuses to 0.7m. It uses 52mm filters. About the same size and...
Thank you to BrianS. It's an actual old Elmar but I had plugged in the 90/4 in the lens selection menu. I am beginning to think I should just turn that to off and leave it that way.
So had a bit of time out with the Jupiter 12 mounted. I had read a suggestion on line of using the 28/2.8 lens id for the modern biogon so I used that in the menus. I'm not sure if it did much of anything other than make the exif data claim that it was a 28mm lens ;) It's actually doing a bit...
Just received this lens from the lovely people at Reddotcameras, London. I've bought it mainly for portrait and still life but took it for a walk on my original T this morning.
Have to say mixed results. I've never had such a poor hit rate for focus using native Leica lenses. But when it's on...
This lens is amazing. You will not need a better-corrected lens than this. Unless you shoot UV. Then you need the lens on the Right.
When received, I noted the overall size was about the same as my Pentax 85/4.5 Ultra-Achromatic-Takumar (UAT). The latter is 50 years old, maybe 40 lenses known...
Nickel and Black finish, 43mm filter thread, compact design- reminded me of a Bertele lens from the 1930s.
This lens is compact. It looks to be an Asymmetric design, meaning the front section is probably a loner focal length than the rear. This allows the two sections to be brought close...
A set of photos from a recent outing with my M3 and DR Summicron with “goggles” attached to photograph within the close up range. Film used was Fuji Color 100 and Kodak HD 200 colour neg film. All made wide open or f2.8.
M3 & DR lens photo (Pinterest)
Was given this lens as part of a 'payment' for cleaning/lubricating/repairing some Super Ikontas and other folders for a fellow film camera user.
Turns out the LTM version is a rare beast. I've not come across many other examples and the prices on Ebay sold listings are beyond expensive...
This lens came out in 1956 and features "multi-layer achromatic coating". This lens is rare, meaning a few hundred made in Leica mount. It was also available in Minolta's proprietary mount for the Super-35.
This is the last lens that I needed to complete a collection of Minolta LTM lenses...
I thought I captured several images of this little waterfall... Only found one. The 18mm f2.8 lens is a bit wide and I could not get close enough to compose like I'd liked to, so I cropped it. PP with NIK suite Analog Efex Pro 2
The Sonnar series of lenses evolved fairly rapidly in the 1930s. Every year seemed to bring a change in the mechanical construction, materials used, and optical formula. In 1935 Zeiss brought in the equipment to apply coatings to optics. By 1938 coated lenses were marked with a "T" for...
So I thought that the 50mm f1.4 'Lux would be an eminently good choice for casual shooting with the CL..... Not so fast, I went out yesterday for a walk with it and upon returning dowloaded the images into the computer with LR. I did not get many keepers. Sadly, the shots I really wanted to keep...
Here are some images taken with the CL and a Canon 50mm f3.5 Macro FD. None are cropped. Nice cheap alternative for macro with the CL.
BTW, does anyone know what that first token with the angel might be for?
Here are some images taken with the CL and a Canon 50mm f3.5 Macro FD. None are cropped. Nice cheap alternative for macro with the CL. The proof set of coins are encased in a plastic box. I shot em through the plastic. the token/medallion and the other coins were captured without plastic or...
The F1.5 Sonnar is amazing, 7 elements in 3 groups. This uncoated lens has near perfect glass with a nice bloom on it. The glass on the F1.5 lens is more durable than that of the F2. It is common to find the F1.5 lens with glass that cleans up nicely. The F2 lens- glass is softer, much like the...
Disclaimer: I walk alone and choose solitary streets avoiding people and giving a wide berth to those I encounter. No need to endanger myself or others by not maintaining social distance..
I shot these with the Leica CL w/ the Elmarit TL 18mm 1:2.8 some were cropped and all developed in B&W...
I've been playing withe the CL and M lenses and having no joy with the cheap Fotasy adapter, don't buy one. So I started shooting images with the same lens in the adapted CL as well as the M240. Guess what, there's nothing wrong with the lens or either camera so my wasted walk and time shooting...
I recently purchased a used Leica CL digital camera with the 18mm "kit lens" as well as a cheap adapter to shoot with my M mount lenses. With the Covid-19 making life quite different, I've been going out and capturing images of the empty or almost empty streets and places in Atlanta. Yesterday...
This is a rare lens, made from 1/1961 to 6/1961 and sold only in Japan. According to Peter Kitchingman's authoritative book, serial numbers ran from 10000 to 13381. This is the 89th lens produced, and is in beautiful condition. Glass is near perfect, focus is smooth, and there is no play in the...
Now I know why this lens is claimed to be the sharpest of the Canon 50's in Leica Mount. It is.
The 50mm F1.8 Serenar was introduced in 1951, replaced the 50mm F1.9 Serenar. The 50/1.8 Serenar is much sharper than the older F1.9. The Black version is a new lens, even though it retains the same...
This is an obscure lens, very little written about it. The 4-digit "3xxx" serial number puts it around 1948. Hard to tell production numbers, but probably a couple of thousand. More than the Nikkor 13.5cm F4, many less than the Canon 135 F4.
One of the best resources for Minolta Chiyoko lenses...
This gem of a lens arrived today. Lightweight, super smooth and clicky and just perfect.
My copy frontfocuses slightly -- as do all LTM lenses I've tried out so far. Maybe I should look into getting another LTM-M adapters if there's a better one among them.
But that frontfocus doesn't ruin the...
On the M9, quick tests right out of the Box. No adjustments required, I use a 1.25x magnifier for focus.
First impressions- this lens is FAST, and compact. Much smaller than my 50/1.1 Nokton. Click stops for the aperture mechanisms. Focus very smooth after a brief workout of turning from 0.8m...
Hi Folks - My Sigma 45mm f2.8 arrived today. I've been without an autofocus lens on my Leica CL for over a year. So far this new lens addition is performing exceptionally. 'Thought I'd post some early grab shots, (most with very familiar image subjects. :rolleyes-74:). Also a screen shot from...
The brand new, classic-design Color-Skopar is a joy in its small size and weight. The focusing is a bit fidgeting; at the same time tiny deviations don't make a difference. I had enormous fun shooting this thing, assisted by a plastic Leica 21mm viewfinder.
I just begun to wade through...
I had previously purchased this lens with a Fuji mount and have enjoyed some excellent images with it. I recently purchased the same lens but with an L mount. The first copy I received was problematic and I sent it back. The second copy that arrived a couple of days ago works fine on the...
Acquired the lens for 200 euros, glass is very good and only the metal outerior has some marks to it.
What a solid lens! The focus is stiff but for a 90mm it's understandable I guess. Found it very easy to operate and follow subjects with. The rangefinder coupling stops agreeing after 100...
This nice little lens is so cute and tiny. And the rendering is very good as well -- thanks to its slow maximum aperture, it's very easy to work with. And me being never a fifty guy and a 28/35 mm shooter for a long time, the jump into 50 was suspiciously smooth...
This lens is a Tessar formula 50/3.5 in a brass mount with "very shiny Chrome". Performance compares well with the post-war 50/3.5 coated Elmar and coated Zeiss Tessar 5cm F3.5. The I-50 is the third formulation of the 50/3.5 Tessar in the Industar series, it improves on the optics of the...
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