
  1. S

    Music What music are you listening to as you enjoy this forum

    Post any music that you are listening to while you are enjoying this forum. Perhaps also a short Bio of the artist Just to kick things off..... Gregg Karukas.... One of urban contemporary jazz's most versatile and acclaimed artists for over 25 years, Gregg won a Grammy for producing...
  2. MoonMind

    Daily Challenge Today 1168

    Mainly because I've already used "School Days" (by Chuck Berry) - not that Jerry Lee is any less fun ... Et ceterum censeo: No pasarán. M.
  3. M

    Smartphone Some random "blur"...

    Just for fun: Some random "blur"... Stuff, I´d like as part of a music album back cover artwork - or the like. And to check how to upload fotos, here.. I don´t think, I really "get it", yet :-D
  4. MoonMind

    Daily Challenge Today 1157

    Uptempo live version ... Et ceterum censeo: No pasarán. M.
  5. MoonMind

    Daily Challenge Today 1147

    She's a studied pop artist ... I honestly didn't know this was a thing ... Et ceterum censeo: No pasarán. M.
  6. Irene McC

    The McCullagh clan relationship to The Backstreet Boys

    I am proud of my daughter Laura who is a music / event photographer and got media accreditation to this event. I am proud of the young man who is my nephew (by marriage) Do have a look at this article and if you are an audiophile, view the Sennheiser ProTalk series videos on YouTube...
  7. MoonMind

    Daily Challenge Today 1128

    (N.B. No offense meant! I'm not sure I heard all the lyrics correctly, but I'm certainly not alluding to anyone personally!) Et ceterum censeo: No pasarán. M.
  8. P

    Music Green Onions - Drumming

    I always wanted to be a drummer like Keith Moon or John Bonham....but without the drug fueled death wish, but I was never prepared to do the ground work such as hours practise of paradiddles, understanding note timings, phrasing etc. I always had a sense of rhythm and could tap my fingers to...
  9. Taneli

    Documentary Sweden Rock Festival 2022

    This year was a joy for us music lovers. Now we can go to concerts again! Sweden Rock Festival had been post-poned two years. But this year it went! So great! It is is Swedens biggest rock festival (and maybe festival overall?!), and is held in southern part, Sölvesborg. This year it was 8-11...
  10. M

    Performing Arts Street musicians of New York City

    This group, called Triad Brass, performed recently next to Greely Square Park in Midtown Manhattan, as part of the Midtown Music program. They are a (not entirely) brass ensemble who play jazz, hip hop, and other contemporary music. For this show, their lineup was one trumpet, one trombone, one...
  11. Irene McC

    Music New music track by my husband

    Featuring my daughter and me as the choir of angels (maybe?!) and the video was made by Laura, our daughter...
  12. MiguelATF

    Performing Arts Balkan music jam session

    It's hard to take photographs and play an instrument at the same time. But I somehow managed, during a jam session with some old friends who are also fine musicians. This is Danl's tambura, a string instrument that's played everywhere from Bosnia to Bulgaria and points in between, both for...
  13. Kevin

    Challenge! Cameraderie Challenge #49 - In no words, music is... 🎵 (Updated with winner!)

    Welcome to Cameraderie Challenge #49! Ingall was the winner of Challenge #48. Congratulations, @Ingall! Usually the challenge winners go on to start the next challenge. Unfortunately we have been unable to reach Ingall and they have not returned in the past several weeks. Our first...
  14. Bobby T

    Gravel & Spiders at Metal Fest 8

    Metal Fest 8 is a heavy metal show put on here as cancer benefit. Somehow, the guy who puts this on wants my friends' two bands to play it. Gravel & Spiders is a sarcastic punk band. My other friends band who played is somewhere in the middle of Steel Panther and Van Halen. Every other band at...
  15. Kevin

    Show Lyle Owerko show in Denver for... Boomboxes 📻

    Most shows don't really catch my attention, to be honest, but if I was near Denver I think I'd have to check this one out. I think even my wife would go with me. Photographer Lyle Owerko has a show going on with the subject of boomboxes. 📻 Yes, the symbol of music in the 80's, those big clunky...
  16. wt21

    MP3 is no longer supported??

    Developers of the MP3 Have Officially Killed It I'm confused on this. Some folks are saying "MP3 is dead" others saying the patent expired?? and it's gone open source. Trying to figure out if I need to re-encode (or rebuy) all my MP3s. Will this happen to jpg some day? Should I just go back...
  17. BBW

    Music The Amazing Emporium of Wondrous Tunes (aka: What are you listening to?)

    Right now, I'm listening to the live performance of Paul McCartney and friends at the White House in DC in honor of his receiving The Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song. Where I live in NY, it's being broadcast now live on PBS. Here is a link from PBS's website: In Performance...