This is a parking garage. Yale had nothing to do with building it, though it is now owned by Yale. At one time, this was the parking garage at my work location. They since shipped us across town, but I return to this location once in a while...
Dad was a photojournalist. he used to say...
The Peabody Museum of Natural History is among the oldest, largest, and most prolific university natural history museums in the world. It was founded by the philanthropist George Peabody in 1866 at the behest of his nephew Othniel Charles Marsh, the early paleontologist. Most known to the public...
Back on Day 20, I took a detail shot of the walkway on either side of the Divinity Quadrangle. I've been meaning to properly introduce a photo of the Divinity School Chapel, Marquand Chapel. This style is a bit of a departure from my usual, but I thought the "landscape" begged a bit...
Stirling Law Building, Yale University.
Another pretty grey day... I was hoping for some dramatic skies, but it was relative uniformly overcast. Back near the Beinecke, by Woolsey, is the Law School. I really have not done anything to highlight the Gothic beauty of that building and this...
And now for something completely different...
This is the home of the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, the Yale Office of International Affairs and the Yale World Fellows Program.
The house was designed by architect Henry Austin with David R. Brown in the French Second Empire...
Detail - Yale Center for British Art stairwell, Louis I. Kahn, 1974.
On Day 23 and 24 I photographed a stairwell in a concrete silo... This stairwell is in a different building but is by the same architect...
The Yale Center for British Art is located literally across the street from...
Same stairwell as Day 23, but shows context. As you can see the architect carried the triangle in the concrete shaft motif to the treatment of the ceiling in the shaft. Natural light is introduce through a row of glass blocks at the very top of the shaft. My favorite piece of modern...
Stairwell, Yale Museum of Art. Architect: Louis Kahn, built between 1951 and 1953. The Yale University Art Gallery was the first significant commission of Louis Kahn and his first masterpiece, replete with technical innovations. For example, he designed a hollow concrete tetrahedral space-frame...
This was all I could get in today... By the time I got over to Divinity it was overcast in an ugly way. I'll try again tomorrow.
Back on Day 3 I shot one of the Yale towers through the Woolsey Hall columns. I later shot "Commons" colonnade. This is the same building, ie...
I'm shooting a bit out of sequence now... I will return to Divinity today or this week. Yesterday was rather overcast and snowy and none of the exteriors I shot were very good, so...
Back on day 4, I shot Dwight Chapel which was at one time the main library but was converted in 1931 to a...
This is on the campus of the Divinity School at yale University. This structure is a part of the Sterling Divinity Quadrangle which was built in 1932 and modeled, in part, on the University of Virginia.
I find this walkway interesting in that it has several sets of steps in this perspective...
This shot was taken from the exact spot I took yesterday's shot - the Sterling Library Cloisters Courtyard which before now I have not been able to access. I tried again today and it was open... so...
This is the library tower which houses the book stacks for the library. A while back I did...
Something told me to go back to Sterling today. I tried shooting in stacks... nothing. But today the door to the small courtyard outside of Cloisters was open, so I went out there and shot one of the main windows... from the other side. Decided to go with a black and white conversion as it shows...
This is a hallway in Sterling Memorial Library called "Cloisters." The entire library was modeled to look like a cathedral right down to the circulation desk at the "altar."
I will try to get some more of Sterling from the inside but the light is very low and I failed...
On Day 5, I shot the rear of Battell Chapel. This is the rear entrance. If you look closely, you can see the normal sized doors set in this glass. it is actually massive. there are two of these at 90 degree angles to each other, and here you can see the light thrown by the other door on the...
Colonnade outside of University Dining Hall (The Commons), Yale University. My shot of the Beinecke on the 13th was shot from the same vantage point, approximately 120 degrees to the right.
Commons at one time was the only dining hall and remains the largest. While each of the residential...
The photo yesterday showed a general view of the exterior of the Beinecke. This detail shows the granite piers upon which the building is perched.
Yale University Law School in the background.
This is the interior of the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University. This does not do the sheer expanse of this building justice. Even at 11mm, what you are looking at is not entirely clear. I will take the next three days to show you this remarkable building.
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