in the naaaaaaame of love.........
I was feeling playful today being the last day of the SiJ challenge so I decided to recycle an old idea and took this image for my last entry in SiJ.
Bolte bridge from the Docklands
While I was taking my Day 28 photo in the Docklands, I completely lost track of time and ended up staying there till midnight, and since it's officially the 'next day' I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to take my day 29 photo.
Blackbird in the night
I was walking around Melbourne's Docklands when I came across a statue of Graham Kennedy (for the folks not from oz or for the youngens Graham Kennedy used to be a famous TV personality) while I found his statue to be a bit mundane I did find the statue of the bird by...
I originally took this shot for the weekly challenge with the soltitude theme, I wanted the viewer to look into an empty beach, a jetty and a street devoid of any life and give the viewer a feeling of solace.
Into the light
I took this photo as a candid when she was leaving the shop, I wasn't sure what the camera settings were or if it was even in focus, I was surprised how turned out so I decided to use this as my day 25 image.
Williamstown Timeball Lighthouse
I'm feeling a tad bit better today so I went for a drive nearby and took a photo of this timeball tower which also served as a lighthouse in the late 1900's
Captus In Perpetuas Aeternitates
I took inspiration with the images of statues in a cemetery uploaded by Dave recently, so I decided to try my hand at it. I actually like it and may take more photos from the same place for my PAD shoots in the coming days (well nights in my case)
Wandering with shadows
I was wandering around looking for something to shoot, it's 'one of those days' where you just can't get any inspiration at all, the streets are empty, most people are asleep and it's hard looking for subjects in the dark. I just decided to take a photo of the road I...
Just another piece of the woodwork
It's quite refreshing taking a photo during the day after shooting so much in the evening. This is a random shot of someone's fence, I thought it was a bit bland but I thought I might as well go with it since I'll be back shooting at night time during the week.
Gem Pier by night
I've decided to recycle an idea I had in the past, it's also the last image I'll take from this area before I move on to other places for my PAD shoots.
@Mark - I shoot alone in the evenings, but thats OK, people tend to leave you alone when your standing alone quietly in...
Williamstown Marina by night
What caught me eye was the boat masts against the sky, it kinda reminded me of a medieval armies carrying spears or some sort boat graveyard at night.
Local wildlife
It was really challenging taking photos of the native possums in very low light. It was hard to nail critical focus as they're very fast, devilishly agile, and they dont react or move in a predictable way the little bas...cute critters.
I literally took almost a hundred shots...
The life aquatic afterdark
I was planning to take more photos tonight but it suddenly poured down raining and hailing pretty hard so only had 2 photos to choose from, this was one of them.
Black Swan landing by Moonlight
I hope you dont get tired of the way I shoot, due to the nature of my work, majority of my shots are either in night time or low light.
Time and Tide
I managed to take some shots underneath the jetty today as it was low tide, I couldnt maneuvre properly though as there were still pools of water everywhere, in the end I committed to this shot.
I was planning to have a stroll this evening to take some photos but the weather was really against me (then again I live in Melbourne...) So I had to go with my safety shot, the Rosemary shrub on my front lawn.
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