performing arts

  1. Acraftman

    Performing Arts A poignant Point

  2. C

    Performing Arts Happy Halloween

    I did a short on why Jack the Ripper was never found, The Wolf of Whitehall Done in Photoshop, Studio One 7, and Resolve PRO, Happy Halloween to everyone, sleep well:) Short: The Wolf of Whitehall
  3. G

    Performing Arts Steampunk Burlesque

    A year ago, I was asked to Anchorage, AK to shoot a Steampunk themed Burlesque show that my niece had written and co-directed. Fortunately, I was able to get into town a bit early and catch their "undress" rehearsal which gave me a leg up on what types of lighting I was going to encounter on...
  4. jhawk1000

    Performing Arts Sometimes on Sunday--a band

    I am friends with all the band members of the soft rock group, Sometimes on Sunday. They are made up of public school administrators and an Emmy-winning photographer for his video of the return of Father Emil Kapaun's remains from Korea. The band has released two albums and is working on the...
  5. Matero

    Performing Arts Making of glass vase

    Today we visited Kari Alakoski's studio and my younger daughter, quite talented artist herself blowed together with Kari a unique vase. Kari Alakoski has worked in Iittala glass factory since young boy, and later taught glass making. Kari has been making iconic Alvar Aalto vases, as well as...
  6. boojum

    Performing Arts The Shanghai Woolies

    Yeah, just the name is a grabber isn't it? OK, some background on the band. It is i swing/dance/jazz band in Portland, OR, run by the Medlers, Ben and Michelle, who are just great folks. I have known of them for 20 years and known them for about 10 of those years. For me their claim to fame...
  7. L0n3Gr3yW0lf

    Performing Arts Ministry of Science

    I went for the first time to see the Ministry of Science, it was a work related trip and I did not know what to expect: But I was positively delighted to see that it was a Science Show with cooks experiments. The theatre was jam packed with parents and kids from 4 year old to teens, the...
  8. Robbo

    Performing Arts Akha child dancer (with an itch)

  9. Robbo

    Performing Arts Thai Dancers

    Thai Dancers
  10. Robbo

    Performing Arts Akha Dancers

  11. Irene McC

    Performing Arts Juggling video - test

    Not at all sure whether this will upload, but here's an attempt! Shot last night of Jason Barnard doing an impressive juggling routine as part of Zip Zap Circus' VOOMA! production Shot on the Nikon Z6ii with Z70-180 f/2.8 Too bad; didn't work! Here's a still from it meanwhile Mods - welcome...
  12. MiguelATF

    Performing Arts Classical Musicians

    Because the boundaries of the Musical Universe are so vast, I'm starting a thread for images of what society calls today Classical musicians - aka musicians who play what is called 'Classical music' - which admittedly is an imprecise term which covers a vast range of musical styles and...
  13. Irene McC

    Performing Arts Oriental Dance and Belly Dancing at the V&A Amphitheatre

    I'll be posting quite a few different performers and try to cluster the same ones together in each post
  14. hippi

    Performing Arts King Biscuit Blues Festival

    three-day event music from Noon-11 pm this was in Helena Arkansas, The first pic is the Backbone Blues Band from England the second pic was a great mix of wonderful cats, this is just a super small sample, will try and post more I have 80 gig to go thru
  15. MountainMan79

    Performing Arts Traditional Mexican Dance

    This troupe was fun to photograph, and I tried to both freeze and blur the action.
  16. MiguelATF

    Performing Arts Hula dancers

    This evening dancers from a great local Halau Hula (literally a school of Hula dancing) and some excellent Hawaiian musicians staged a benefit & fundraiser for the victims and survivors of the fire in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii. There was dance, music, song, superb food and most of all, a sense of...
  17. MountainMan79

    Performing Arts Wacipi 2023 (Powwow)

    Last time I went for this event was in 2021. It was a lot of fun, and yielded some great photos. This year didn’t disappoint either.
  18. T

    Performing Arts Alice in Wonderland

    Some 1977 images from the Alberta Ballet production of Alice in Wonderland created by Bryden Paige. If memory serves, this was the world's first production of this theme. It was shot with high speed Kodak colour and B&W fllm on Leica and Canon cameras and processed in my darkroom. Low...
  19. T

    Performing Arts People play different instruments

  20. T

    Performing Arts University theatre

    An enjoyable production.
  21. Brian

    Performing Arts Tex Rubinowitz and the Bad Boys with Martha Hull, 1980

    My Brother was a friend of this Rockabilly band, and asked me to take some pictures when they performed in Georgetown. I moved away shortly after to finish school. Found the prints, looked up the Band. I just missed a reunion show a couple of months ago. Then, Nikon F2a, Nikkor 105/2.5, and...
  22. T

    Performing Arts Eskimo dance

    A Russian academic dancer, teacher and choreographer came to the UofC in 2002 while studying the nature of Eskimo dance and music north of the arctic circle. He became acquainted with dancers, singers and musicians from Northern Canada who provided significant guidance for his study. A few of...
  23. T

    Performing Arts Custer's last stand

    Sharon Polluck wrote the play "Walsh" for presentation in 1973, about the Souix migration to Canada lead by Sitting Bull after the defeat of General Custer at the 1876 battle of the Little Big Horn. Sitting Bull was met by Colonel Walsh of the North West Mounted Police at the Canadian border...
  24. Brian

    Performing Arts The REAL Elvis. Post your Pictures of the REAL Elvis.

    I saw Elvis. He was alive, I was too. I bought a Vivitar 283 for the event, used a 200/3.5 Vivitar lens and my Argus/Cosina STL-1000. High-Speed Ektachrome, push-processed. I took my High-School Girl-Friend and her Mom to the concert at the Capital Center. Elvis, 1976 Capital Center by...
  25. ericdraven

    Performing Arts Robes de Papier au Festival Mode et Design

    Robes de Papier - Alice-Anne Augustin by David Wong, on Flickr
  26. ericdraven

    Performing Arts Dance Pre-COVID19

    Ctrl:N - Audrey Gaussiran by David Wong, on Flickr RE_Imagine - Kolarova Danse by David Wong, on Flickr Journée danse dans la rue - Longueuil est culture - Tentacle Tribe by David Wong, on Flickr
  27. QBI

    Performing Arts Street Entertainers

    These 'Boys from Brazil' tread the streets of the Old Town in Nice entertaining the tourists with traditional music and displays of strength & gymnastic prowess. I wonder how they put food on their tables every winter but especially under the current Lockdown.
  28. ericdraven

    Performing Arts BJM x Sarah Pacini au Festival Mode et Design

    BJM x Sarah Pacini au Festival Mode et Design by David Wong, on Flickr BJM x Sarah Pacini au Festival Mode et Design by David Wong, on Flickr
  29. ericdraven

    Performing Arts Dusk Dances - Withrow Park

    Space Within Us - Yuichiro Inoue / Pulga Muchochoma / Naishi Wang by David Wong, on Flickr Fall - Hanna Kiel by David Wong, on Flickr Moving Parts - Denise Fujiwara by David Wong, on Flickr