Curious to know if anyone here uses a portable hide or ghillie suit type setup for wildlife photography.
I've been reading my copy of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year: Portfolio 22 book (winning/commended images from the 2012 competition), and noted in a few places where photographers have...
This was ordered from Japan and was originally estimated to be delivered on 1/2/2024. It arrived yesterday 12/29!
Kudos to DHL for the early delivery.
First Impression:
This is solid and feels premium. The brass plates are awesome. The rubber grip is very nice as well.
The menus are classic...
Something unexpected happened. This weekend this recently bought wrist strap from Op/Tech disintegrated. The camera didn’t fall, but a unpleasant surprise nonetheless.
If you use one, good to check if you can’t pull off the ‘rivets’. (not sure if that’s the correct word). I can basically put my...
Was puttering around this afternoon and after I realized that the problems I had on my last roll with my N90S were probably due to the fact that the aperture follower wasn't moving and got that sorted out, I set all of my Nikon gear out on my card table. Now I realize it's not much compared to...
It has been 14 years since I "met" my first ever real camera. Prior I was using an (ancient by today's standards and it can't even be called that anymore) smartphone, the Sony Ericsson P990i ... and within months I have learned that I love making images, I was starting to "see" images everywhere...
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