
  1. G

    Sigma DP2s with processing

    My full spectrum converted DP2s, normally produces vivid Aerochrome reds with no external filter. I decided to process this old store front building with DxO NIK Analog Efex, for a muted color palette.
  2. agentlossing

    Software Camera Profiles in RAW Processing Software

    One of the things I have run into using somewhat less popular cameras (Ricoh, Pentax, Panasonic) is the lack of closely matching profiles when importing RAWs into software, be it Lightroom or DXO PhotoLab. It's evident when first importing a file, when it shifts to a rather ugly and flat file...
  3. gryphon1911

    Advice Wanted Post processing - too much - getting tired of it? You can't hurt my feelings. :)

    Just wanted to throw this out there and request an opinion from the group here. First - you cannot hurt my feelings. It is impossible to do. Second - I'll still do what I want that makes me happy. While I value the opinions I have and will get - I use them to help guide future decisions - I...
  4. Toddster

    Compare an image standard vs. enhanced processing

    This thread was started with the purpose of posting two copies of the same image. One with traditional processing and one with "enhanced" or "AI" processing. I started it to observe the difference once an image is posted and viewed on different devices. Others are certainly welcome to do the...
  5. S

    Software A move to On1 for m43s processing

    This is cross posted from "m43s Talk" which I recently joined after the DPR announcement. I'd like a wider demographic than just m43s users, I think. I have long been a strong advocate of ACDSee. And I still am, sort of. I think it still has the fastest, most complete DAM on the market. But, I...
  6. Stu

    Post Processing RAW [dng] from Pixel 6a Files

    Just bought my wife a Pixel 6a phone. From all reports they output reasonably good pics, albeit heavily worked over in phone. It seems it is also possible to export photos as DNG files. I'm wondering if the DNG file is going to be minus all the in-phone tuning and whether it would be simpler to...
  7. L

    Film Help with my B&W processing

    I have a nice Canon EOS650 fitted with a 35 -80mm zoom. It takes really nice images. I do the processing myself and then scan them at 4800dpi using my Canon 3000f flatbed scanner. I have just processed two rolls of film and are very disappointed. This one of my previous images take a few weeks...
  8. R

    RAW processing for Olympus M5 Mk3 images

    Hi as I have a good tax rebate I decided to update my M5 Mk2 to the Mk3 as people are telling me it's a good upgrade. I didn't think to check about software however, and as I use a standalone version of Lightroom 6.14, it seems the RAW files aren't supported. I'm aware there's a free...
  9. RichardC

    Darkroom Challenge Digital Darkroom Derby #0005 - CLOSED - Winner announced

    Start Date 4 Jan, 2022, 14.30 GMT End Date 7 Jan 2022, 14.30 GMT Herewith, the second Digital Darkrrom Challenge of 2022. A digital image editing/processing challenge. The rules are here. Please read them. The basic idea is the challenge host provides a source image and participants process...
  10. WhidbeyLVR

    Darkroom Challenge Rules for Digital Darkroom Derby, an image processing challenge

    (last edited December 18, 2021) Digital Darkroom Derby Rules: The Host will provide one or more images to use as the primary basis for submissions, as well as a closing time for entries (approximately 60-hours). Participants should post their entries at a resolution of 1000 to 1600 pixels in...
  11. re-note

    "Let´s play! Show your processing experiments"

    This thread could be something to while away the boredom of lockdown. Post your experimental results - visionary, inventive, illusory or even whimsical.....
  12. donlaw

    Film Photo Processing

    While cleaning out a cabinet during this stay home stay safe period, I found this roll of unprocessed film. I think the local CVS or Walgreens will send it out to be processed, but I read that they no longer return the negatives. Just prints and scans! Does anyone know if this is true...
  13. gryphon1911

    My Wife and Some Extensive Post Processing

    Every now and again, I’ll just go off the deep end on a portrait and just let myself go crazy with the post processing. this started out as an iPhone11 portrait mode shot and found its way through Snapseed, Hipstamatic Tintype. just experimenting and having fun. original image: processed...
  14. Jock Elliott

    Slick post processing with two programs

    Shot this today at Peebles Island: crow waaaaaay up in a tree and heavily backlit. So I ran it through DXO 11's backlighting correction: then sky enhancement from Luminar 3: I think I like the result. Cheers, Jock
  15. M

    Leica B&W film processing/scanning in West Country UK

    I'm a newcomer to Leica Place, and a returner after many years to shooting b&w with my Leica M3. I want to send/take my films (Ilford XP2) off for processing (C41) & scanning to cd, but it seems after some googling that this is going to cost the best part of £20 per roll, which simply doesn't...