
  1. mike3996

    I longed for the simpler times, now I long for the affordable days...

    It's close to six months I've been shooting Leica M, and it's going ever so strongly. I got two new Cosina Voigtländer lenses (in 21 mm and 50 mm) on order to fill out my lens catalogue -- with a serious 75 mm lens it'll be complete for me. Life's pretty great. Leica Q still shoots amazing...
  2. mike3996

    The rangefinder is not for everybody

    I'm afraid I might belong to the TTL camp after all :oops: Frankly I don't know how to write about this without going to kiloword-long rambles. Feel free to ignore if you don't like rambles. Especially when this all boils down to me not having enough M-time after a busy January. Maybe I'll try...