
  1. bobriess

    Layers of reflection and projection

  2. G

    Scenic Lake reflections at a local park.

    A small lake along a local park, on a warm November day.
  3. Herman

    Show "Reflections"

    For example: of your life, of how you look like, of...anything. I took this picture with G1 plus 14-45 lens, I like the reflections of the bridge into the water of a canal. Looking forward to your pics, thanks in advance.
  4. Velvia

    California Coast

    It's been a while since I've posted, so here are a few from the last several months, including a few from Natural Bridges S.P. in Santa Cruz. DSCF2030-2031-FortPointSunrise-luminar by efchan, on Flickr DSCF2008-FortPointSunrise-luminar by efchan, on Flickr DSCF2117-sunset-luminar by efchan...
  5. Velvia

    Stars stars :)

    Haven't posted on here for a while. Got these under the recent full moon on a nearby lake. Enjoy! X-T1, 14mm, ISO800, 30" "Orion Over Donner Lake" Isaiah 40:26 NIV [26] Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one...
  6. Velvia

    Star trails over a snowy lake

    Two of my favorite subjects.... X-T1 / 14mm, separate 30-sec exposures combined with StarStax and lightly edited with Luminar Star trails over snowy lake by efchan, on Flickr
  7. SiJ 2015 Day 17

    SiJ 2015 Day 17

    Lively Kids, Newburyport, Massachusetts
  8. SiJ15 - Day 8 - Reflections

    SiJ15 - Day 8 - Reflections

    Nice floor.
  9. Reflections on decay

    Reflections on decay

  10. Broken reflections

    Broken reflections

  11. Sunset at Sambhar Lake

    Sunset at Sambhar Lake

    Photographed in RAW with a Canon PowerShot G9
  12. Grotto


    One from the D-Lux 4 - Painshill Park in Winter
  13. Reflection


  14. Reflection in a water drop on the tip of a snowdrop flower

    Reflection in a water drop on the tip of a snowdrop flower

  15. reflection


  16. reflections

