I have my G9/Oly 60mm videoing hundreds of small American House Spiders (Achaearanea tepidfariorum) leave the egg sac. Although I am buying a new camera in October (now vacillating between the OM1 and Gh6), I will be keeping my 2 G9's. Why? because I know them and find them to be the perfect...
I'm not ruling out a problem my end but I'm finding this site is loading noticeably slower [than anything else]
Also the front page is looking like a work in progress?
Anybody else?
Following on from the What went wrong thread i thought it would be nice to have a "What Surprisingly went right today" thread.
Well after dropping my 24-70 the other day i did find my Tripod i had been looking for for ages.
It was under the bed in my RV :whistling:
So, those who have been paying attention over the festivities will know that I asked if there was going to be a SiJ next month.
The short answer is no, there isn't, but for those who have new toys to try, or just have an itchy shutter finger, we have Vision 2020 instead.
To mark the start of...
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