rx100 mk2

  1. L

    A spring morning down by the water

    Sony RX10 mkii. Seattle, Alki Beach. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
  2. L

    A mountain and it's valley in the morning fog

    2 shots from this morning. Sony RX10 mkii and a CPL filter in Kent, WA. 1) 2)
  3. L

    3 different shots of the same thing

    I was out yesterday and saw a huge line of Seagulls sitting on the roof of the boathouse down on the beach. There wasn't really a way to get a particularly symmetrical shot, so I did the best I could. Sony RX10 mkii 1) 2) 3)
  4. R

    Sony Disappointed with my new Rx100

    I own a couple of point-and-shoot cameras an a top end dSLR I use regularly. I was displeasure with the huge gap there was between the image quality I got from the point-and-shoot cameras and the dSLR I use professionally. Of course I was expecting that gap but wanted to reduce it and get more...
  5. L

    Sony RX10 mkii high speed footage

    Welp, I'm in love!
  6. Judderman62

    Sony New RX 100 owner reporting in

    Evening all. Today took delivery of an RX 100 mk2 . May posting some questions if that's OK and if the forum is still active. Struck me how tiny this camera is - I had forgotten from when I'd played with them in stores and a friends some weeks back. I mean it's smaller than my recently...