I will open up the thread with my favourite picture thus far with this lens:
How can a lens this small have such a huge personality when it comes to the images it can make?
Have the NX30.
I can see the upgrades to the camera over the NX20.
Auto focus and over all speed seem better. The grip is better.
The downside? It does not use the same battery as the NX20 - and the battery I got with the NX30 seems to be having issues. I charged it up, but it fluxes...
Thanks to @Blooper7206 and their post on the NX10 they got....I started looking at the Samsung NX system again.
I was able to score an NX20 and 18-55 kit lens.
When i got it, the camera looked to be in great shape...but I found out that the EVF has a glass element issue and while it is capable...
Here are a few of my first photos taken with the 16mm f2.4 pancake lens on my NX10. The more I use this Samsung system, the more I am falling in love with it, so much so in fact, that I have just bought another Samsung camera off of E-Bay. It's a NX30 with another 18-55mm, which will hopefully...
I was looking for a camera with a larger sensor than my Lumix FZ330 and initially I was looking at M/43 bodies, having had a few in the past but then I spotted this Samsung NX10 with a 18-55mm lens on E-Bay, it had a APS-C sensor and all for £129. So it came and I was astounded at how small and...
There has been an increase in reports of some of our members having issues with the editor where the cursor seems to 'jump' around. The common denominator so far has been the usage of either Samsung Browser and/or the Samsung Keyboard app' on mobile devices.
The short answer is to ask our...
Here are some sample images from my S20 Ultra. In each pair of images, I took a photo using the wide angle camera on my Samsung S20 Ultra and then repeated the same photo at 10X zoom (combination of 4X optical zoom and additional binning and cropping). These are straight out of the camera with...
Hello all,
With friends around me snapping away with their S8 (and even as far back as S4) phone cameras, I am often left with that Gah! taste in my mouth when I see how well their shots turn out. I don't really want a fabulous smartphone camera, as it would be too easy to stop carrying my...
2 of my female roommates decided that what our kitchen really needed was a calendar with hunky celebrities. I honestly couldn't tell you who this is, except that he passed their hotness test, and now he's Mr February... :tongue:
I did audition for the calendar, but since I'm not a celebrity...
...that the first period of real frost and snow was right around the corner, these crocuses thought the warm temperatures lately meant spring had begun. On that same day, I even saw blooming daisies!
Today was the first time ever I attempted street photography. It was reallllly scary (i'm kinda shy), but the few people who caught me didn't seem to mind terribly, so that was very encouraging. This market salesman was one of them, he even commented on it but he seemed to think it was funny...
I was at my parents' place this weekend, and we went for a walk through some forest and fields nearby. It was a pretty cold and windy day, and as you can see it has been raining a lot. That's my mom and sister walking down the road, all the way to the right.
I pushed the shadows in this photo...
For some reason I don't quite understand, my mother thought it a great idea to install a cardboard birdhouse in my parents' living room :smile: I think it's pretty great!
straight out of camera jpeg
this ditch, between a fancy neighbourhood and a piece of land with allotment gardens, seems to be brought back to a swampish state, similar to what apparently covered most of the country before the water was pumped out and the land cultivated.
This is the future lobby of Rotterdam's Central Station. The entire square in front of the station has been a building site for a about 5 years now, and it'll remain that way untill 2013 or 2014 I think.
The temporary pedestrian routes from tram to metro to busses to the trains change every...
this is my bag for waste paper. I clearly should've gone to the paper recycling container with it a long time ago, as it's spilling over. And yes, I eat too much pizza :redface: but I tell myself it's okay since I'm training for a marathon so I need the energy :tongue:
Inspired by Armando's shot somewhere early in the SIJ (did he quit, by the way?) of a legal document, and by the crease I accidentally made in my Tax Law book, I made this photo. Straight out of camera jpeg.
unfortunately this was the only shot I took yesterday. I meant to take something better when I got home but I fell asleep. I wanted to show the ice in the ditch this house boat floats in, but it didn't really work out.
Still, I prefer to post a crappy photo than break my SIJ promise, so there...
Driving away from the goodbye party for a friend who's been here for the holidays but lives on the other side of the world these days. And for all those wondering: I wasn't behind the wheel :smile:
out of pure desperation, I shot this sky, although it was also very nice to see it hadn't become totally dark even though it was half past five already (we're at the western edge of our time zone so we're pretty lucky in terms of late sunsets, and pretty unlucky in terms of late sunrises. Lucky...
I had hoped to make it to our central station, which is being rebuilt and that looks pretty impressive. Just in case I didn't make it there, I shot this for safety - good thing that I did! There was one other shot from this place that I liked better, but it was shot using another EFL than 24mm...
This is the main examination hall of my university - actually, this is only about 40% of it, but it's the largest expanse I could get in one frame. Need more wide angle!
Yesterday I was up doing homework untill 3:30 at night, and I hadn't taken my SIJ photo yet.
So, just before going to bed, I aimed my mirrors above my sink towards each other as much as possible, and tried to make a photo of the resulting reflections.
I made this my first ever B&W...
My hometown of Rotterdam is in one of the most light-polluted regions of the world, so it never gets properly dark at night.
However, that absolutely pales in comparison to the light emitted by the greenhouses in the countryside just outside the city, where growth lamps burn to make sure the...
The only time I went outside today was to run, so bringing my camera along wasn't possible. I guess I'll just continue my "things in my room" series of the last few days, then :smile: these 4 lamps are my main source of light.
I treated the photo to a very strong version of...
Bought this magnet mosaic lizard in Barcelona because it reminded me of a lizard statue in Gaudi's Parc Guell there - it's now on the side of my book case, always sneaking up on the Magritte-inspired mask above that was the subject of my SIJ day 6.
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