
  1. mike3996

    On Self improvement

    Between nice cameras and gear lust and everything I stopped to think why I just don't get the next dream camera of mine: I don't think I deserve it. A woman I met on a photography course shot very good street photography. The compositions were clean, there were interesting people in them...
  2. Bobby T

    My Christmas self portrait

  3. Briar

    Cameraderie Photo Challenge 18: Self

    For challenge 18 the topic is Self. Interpret the topic it in any way that portrays your sense of self. The challenge will run until approx. July 14th. And the rules, as always, are: 1. Either take pictures that match the nominated theme or select some from your portfolio. You must be the...
  4. Self-portrait with LX-7

    Self-portrait with LX-7

    Self-portrait taken with my new (to me, anyway) LX-7, using the 'Dynamic Monochrome' setting.
  5. Self portrait Rohtang Pass

    Self portrait Rohtang Pass

    A self portrait at 12,975 feet on the Rohtang Pass between Himachel Pradesh and Lahoul in the western Himalaya. Scanned in from an Agfachrome CT18 slide, Leica M3
  6. SIJ - Day 24

    SIJ - Day 24

    My last photo for SIJ. My apologies to everyone for having really slacked off. I was going home from work, walking down to the underground garage. This is a reflection shot off one of those mirrors/reflectors placed around the corner of stairwells, so that people don't run into each other. Or...
  7. SIJ - Day 19

    SIJ - Day 19

    After the disappointment of the day before I am trying to find out how I can bend my feelings into something creative. This is me....
  8. SIJ - Day 18

    SIJ - Day 18

    I have had back pain problems for so long and had several pain treatments. I had high hopes a surgery could ease the pain, but on Wednesday I learned a surgery made no sense. I simply have to life and not to deal with it.
  9. SIJ - Day 10

    SIJ - Day 10

    Feel terrible that I've been slacking off. The combination of work and laziness can get overwhelming. And lack of creativity too. On the other hand, the Fuji X10's sharp lens continues to amaze me. I took this selfie and cropped it to focus on my eyes. I decreased the clarity quite a bit to hide...
  10. SIJ - Day 3

    SIJ - Day 3

    Today the weather turned nasty with gale force winds and lots of rain. I got cold and wet on my commute back home.
  11. Relaxing in Bermuda

    Relaxing in Bermuda

  12. Moi


  13. me


  14. me

