
  1. M

    Canon Camera settings for proposal video - HELP PLEASE

    What are the best settings to use for filming a proposal? Camera - 5D Markiii with 70-200mm EF lens Shoot is in an open area of a park and the weather will be overcast but bright (filming done secretly from afar) Any advice would be massively appreciated! (I am last minute jumping in to help...
  2. Brownie

    Advice Wanted Need help with low-light video settings

    The most I ever do with video is push the red button and take whatever it spits out. I figure as long as it's as good as my Betamax it'll be fine. :p I have need for some low light settings that will see limited use. This will be on a Sony A7 IV, but I am assuming (probably incorrectly) that...
  3. gryphon1911

    Nikon Nikon D80, monochrome settings and an old 70-300/4-5.6G lens (image heavy)

    Switched up the settings on the D80 to the most aggressive I could get for monochrome that I liked. Decided to experiment with an old 70-300G lens. It is decent up to about 220mm, then starts to get a bit soft wide open, which is where I shot it most because of the weather. Overcast and...
  4. Cameraderie Mod Team

    The Ultimate Unified "Find Your Tips and Tangents Here" Thread

    Okay, folks. We tried. We told everyone, especially those concerned, repeatedly that image threads are meant for images - and basically nothing else. They are not discussion threads. They are not gear threads. They are not, and certainly least of all, chat threads, spaces to place whatever goes...