I was surprised to see that there is no thread to this wonderful little (comparatively speaking) gem.
I haven't taken the OM-1 and the PRO primes out for a spin in a while. I forgot how these lenses can literally see starlight. This was handheld but braced against a fence.
Another handheld...
I just got this lens and I haven't given it a thorough rundown but after a few rest shots in good light this lens doesn't impress me like the tiny Panasonic Lumix G Vario 12-32mm f 3.5-5.6 ASPH Mega O.I.S. did.
These are all edited images and run through DeNoise AI to get the beet out of the...
Once again GAS has struck. I decided last season that I would like (not need) a set of 2.8 zooms to bridge the gap between my slower daylight zooms that offer a nice wide focal range and my nighttime primes. The primes are faster, yes, but they also limit my focal range (and thus composition) to...
Doesn't look like anyone else is posting about this lens on Sony. This is a pretty specialist lens, it is very wide angle but also offers +/- 11mm of shift, which really helps with architectural photographs but is also really effective for creating stitch panoramas with little distortion. The...
Ok, I admit it, I'm bored. The rumored lenses that interest me haven't appeared. The Viltrox Pancake is flawed and no longer on the short list. I haven't bought anything since the Camera in January. I want to have a play with something, but it needs to be cheap while I wait for one of the...
So as title playing around with the 300 2.8 today and realised it goes all the way to f45 the old a-mount goes to f36 I think I can check that when I get time. added the shot just as an example of what f45 looks like
There's lots of 40-150 range kit zooms in m43 world that are cheap and decent. Just wondering if there is anything similar in the sony fe system? Preferably light and smallish
I have purchased an "As New" Sony SEL 24240 lens but found that the petal hood sit about 45 degrees off line. I notice that the location mark on the lens for alignments is at around the 4.00 position as viewed from the front and not on top as per other lenses. Can this be re-positioned, any help...
Anyone interested in this lens? IQ looks acceptable for what it is. It'd be a nice compact lens on a C or APS-C. Aperture is fixed. Built in lens cap. Supposed to be just south of $100 US. Might be a fun lens, I've never had a pancake...
Who needs a Macro with this combo at hand :) This has been my main set up for the last 4 years now. I've always been an advocate for using a long zoom for Dragonflies and Butterflies, as you don't get so close as to disturb them. This is a Broad Scarlet, taken in Spain last week. Absolutely...
Got a blue model of my first ever mirrorless camera from 2010, the Panasonic Lumix G2 (a 12 MP CMOS sensor), and I took it out for a few pictures here and there. The Panasonic G1, G2 and G10 are basically the same camera and sensor where the G2 has a newer processor, a few extra dials, video...
Hi I got a Sony A230 for free. All I had to do was pick it up and buy a battery for it. I can't get an exact life expectancy for the shutter 50k or 20k. It is an oldie circa 2009 and the Nikon D70 is rated at 50k. It came out in 2004. I contacted Sony Ca, nada. Does anyone know what I'm...
Seems like a lot lately. Tamron 50-200/2.8, 28-180/2.8, Viltrox 28/4.5 Pancake, Sigma 28-105/2.8. Tamron 50-300/4.5-6.3, Sigma 28-45/1.8, Tamron 28-300/4-7.1, others from Viltrox, Meike, etc.
These are rich times we're living in, not sure I've ever before seen a lens selection as vast as this...
My three year old twin grandsons are coming to stay for a day or so with us. My wife had me make some lightsabers out of a pool noodle for them to play with. I'm thinking we could also do some light painting in the dark garage too. Maybe make some videos of the trains we'll be setting up out...
I’ve had very limited time with it so far, but I’ll continue to have opportunities to get hands on with it. I’ll also have a little more freedom to use this once the embargo date has passed. At this point, I’m am using a preproduction unit, with preproduction firmware, so bare that in mind as I...
I've been using a Pergear 260G 'Pro' since the beginning of the season and have been very satisfied so far. Have made many thousands of shots, formatted it a dozen times, uploaded photos, etc. with no issues. It also comes with 5 years of support. This looks like a newer line from Pergear, a...
I recently bought an SLT -A65 with GPS, and I've upgraded the firmware to 1.07. Everything about it seems to work as expected with the exception of GPS logging. I've downloaded the "assist" data from Sony and succesfully copied it to the SD card and turned on GPS, but I'm getting nothing...
I'm assuming that many folks have dealt with the focussing problems these cameras sometimes have. I have repaired another one I own one by re-gluing the lower section of the magnetic assembly, and everything's OK. I just bought another DSC-T20, and it, too, has the buzzing focus...
my A7ii which had been poorly for several years finally died and rather unexpectedly I ended up getting an RP. Lucky I mostly shoot with adapted lenses, the RF range is a bit different. But this is a rather cool little lens.
Was playing around with some file sizes in the camera, so thought I'd play with an old favorite lens. Kind of surprising how it holds up on a high-res sensor, but they do start to fall apart with too much cropping. These are not full res.
I started looking for detailed information on this while testing to see if Darktable ever added the Lossless Compressed RAW. I figure many of you already know this, but it doesn't seem to be written down in clear terms anywhere.
Sony added the M and S options for Lossless Compressed RAW to the...
An interesting focal range for sure. It won't rate at DxO but I find its performance very good. Especially considering its attributes. I really enjoyed the 20-40 and while I initially missed the idea of having F2.8, I can see this being more useful and convenient.
Well the long awaited Sony A1 update dropped after some issues, and as per usual it seemed to be of little use to me and possibly many others. thoughts please did you bother? will the A1 ever get a decent update?
Please share your images made with the Olympus FL-LM1, 2 or 3 flash either as main light or Fill-in.
I use my FL-LM3 for quick and improv macro shots mainly. I keep it in a fabric pouch sized and shaped flash diffuser and because it's so small and light I take it often with me in most of my...
I need some advice.
For the purposes of photographing old books/documents of size 58cm x 48cm and 83cm x 58cm, I need to choose one of these two lenses that I would use on the Sony A7 IV:
1. Sigma 40mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art
2. Sigma 50mm F1.4 DG DN Art
I can only choose between those two lenses...
I was making my usual trip around the web when I stopped in at Sony Alpha Rumors. The first story is about preorders being open for Sigma's 50/1.2. There's a Dustin Abbot video review of the lens, except...
When I clicked the link to go to comments, the video wasn't Dustin...it was actually a...
I only briefly got to play with this the other week, along with the new 200-800. I expect to have both on a short term loan to me probably in the next 1-2 months. This one I played with at the camera store while my friend from Canon was working an event there.
With lens corrections turned on...
I guess it was only a matter of time. I knew MPB had stopped a while back, but just learned that KEH and Used Photo Pro have both stopped as well.
What will this mean for prices on eBay and other used sites? Up? Down? No change? How long before Sony drops the LA-EA adapters series altogether...
I recently made the decision to pick up this new lens, for what I do, traveling by truck, offroad, into the wilderness, it's a great lens for wildlife.
Figured I would share a few of my first phots with this lens and see what others are capturing with this long range beast. All of these were...
My third and latest lens bought in February 2023. I bought for street photography at night. These pictures from December 8. My first prime and my first fisheye so maybe forgive my lack of experience. See the EXIF on Flickr if they do not appear here. I usually set to Manual mode, f/2.5, 1/8 sec...
I've been trying to figure out how to fix upload speed on my computer for some time. I've done all the search and destroy/malware/disk cleaners, but there seems to be so much junk running in the background that uploading image files is only getting to about 47MBps after the cache fills...
Surprised I didn’t already start a thread for this one. Possible the best lens I’ve ever shot with, although I don’t own it due to its niche use case for me. Here’s a couple to start, and I’ll try and backfill with more from the archives at some point.
So rather than bog down the GAS thread, I thought I'd post here my thoughts on it thus far. The Sony A9 is my first modern full frame camera that I've bought having used the Sony A7S briefly (for MF lenses only) and the Canon 5D Classic. Main reason I bought the A9 was for its AF and continuous...
So the siren call of this lens brings me back..it is my favourite lens of all time and pleases me every time i use it...whats your favourite lens?
Mine is the Panasonic P20 F1.7
What is your Magic lens...Any system?
Please tell us and post your favourite image...Any Subject!
Sorry about...
At their site.
I had decided to stay with SD cards for the A1, I really don't need the added speed from the Express cards. The Kingston Canvas React Plus 256G has been selling for $190. Went to get one and they jumped to $220 overnight. Got pissed and started looking at other options. Pergear...
I have had the Sony A7 for a bit longer than a week, but only had a couple of old manual lenses to try on it, and frankly the results were not great. I traded in my remaining Fuji kit and picked up three lenses plus a converter and they all turned up this afternoon - luckily on my afternoon off...
Looking to add an on camera flash plus wireless trigger for my Sony A7. I am already full in with Godox so want either a TT685 or TT350 plus X Pro trigger. Looking on Amazon, all the listings say A7R but not A7 (later A7 versions are shown as compatible). Is there an issue with flash...
It's been so cold and windy here I've been holed up trying to stay warm. Finally decided to suck it up and try to get to know my new A1. I headed out to nearby Sterling State Park on Lake Erie hoping to find something worth shooting. Sometimes if the wind comes strong from the east the ice will...
I have been a long term Fuji user for almost a decade but this week I picked up a cheap Sony A7, with a view to borrowing a Canon 24mm T/S lens on it.
Research suggested that the Sigma MC-11 would be a good convertor to use it with (due to good interior anti-reflective material) so I grabbed...
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