
  1. Sheparding the kids

    Sheparding the kids

    Kulu Valley, Himachel Pradesh, India, 1979
  2. Goats on the Rohtang

    Goats on the Rohtang

    A flock of goats have left the Lahoul valley and crossed the Rohtang Pass in Northern Indian, 12,975 feet ASL in late October 1979, scanned in from Agfachrome slide, Leica M3, 35mm f/3.5 Summaron
  3. Goats crossing the Rohtang Pass

    Goats crossing the Rohtang Pass

    A goatherd with his flock crossing the Rohtang pass, 12,975 feet ASL in Northern India, October 1979 scanned from an Agfachrome CT18
  4. Shepherds and flock

    Shepherds and flock

    Probably a mixed flock of goats and sheep. Scanned from an FP4 negative, Leica M3, 35mm Summaron f/3.5. Himachel Pradesh, NW India, October 1979