
  1. Mr_Flibble

    Vintage Photo Tool & Repair Kit project.

    So a year ago I bought this empty toolbox on a whim from Ebay UK. The main reason for wanting it was that two of the compartments said "Camera Parts". It was definitely made in the USA (based on the Excelsior brand hardware). I had a vague idea that it could be military and from World War 2...
  2. Brian

    Homemade Tool for removing Namerings without Spanner Slots.- Filter Cases

    I have a lot of filters, and a box of the empty cases that they come in. I picked up an AF-Nikkor 24/2.8 with a marred front element for under $50, and had an Ais Nikkor 24/2.8 with bad rear group. The two lenses have the same optics, but the fixtures are different. The AF-Nikkor has a namering...