I wanted to give it a try and use my tripod for landscape images, to practice using filters for upcoming autumn. I've only recently got my Lee Sev5n system and I haven't used much PL and ND filters before. and this is the first system I ever had.
I have a few small "waterfalls" in my area I...
I'm talking about an OS family holiday with an OM-1. I'd rather shoot hand held than take the Gitzo but a small tripod might be nice for the occasional macro or landscape. At this stage, I intend to take a 12-40 f2.8, 60mm macro and 17mm f1.8.
I know it sounds like a strange question for some of you, mostly the film generation. But I have been wondering this more often lately. How important or useful is a tripod for stationary subjects, be it landscape, buildings or nature in general.
I always had a dislike for tripods because I...
Well folks the dreaded GAS has struck again, and I splashed the cash on a PD Travel Tripod the Carbon Fibre version . Bloody expensive I know but I would only fritter the money away on Wine, Women and Song! 🤗
Initial impressions are very good, and the tripod comes complete with everything one...
Has anyone had any experience with the above tripod. Since I converted totally over to Fuji with the XT-2 from Nikon 810 I am searching for a new tripod. I need one that allows me the convenience of a carbon fiber that is great for travel and all around use. The height of this tripod without...
Haven't picked up the camera for a few days. An unflattering selfie shot in IR and processed to give a grungy look.
Reflects my recent mood and the slack facial muscles of a person with Parkinsons.
Mood is on the way up again. :)
A couple of members have posted book-shelf images so I thought I'd try using infrared.
First shots using built-in flash were disappointing so went for window light and used a tripod (1/8 sec at F2.5).
Books with a lot of red in the cover are overexposed and have little detail.
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