
  1. gordo

    Film Reto Project Ultra Wide & Slim

    Short FYI and mini review for those who might be interested. This is a current repro of the Vivitar Ultra Wide & Slim, lightweight plastic including lens. Near-disposable, inexpensive. I'd suggest keeping the camera in the included cloth sleeve when not in use, it'll help keep the lens from...
  2. bartjeej

    Challenge! Cameraderie Challenge #70: One Subject, Wide and Tight - WINNER ANNOUNCED

    I'm following Ken's and Jens's examples of Cameraderie Challenges #67 and #69 here, and making this a two-image challenge. It's one of the eternal storytelling techniques in cinema, documentaries and moving images in general: a wide-angle establishing shot followed by a close-up of the subject...
  3. Pauhana

    Micro 4/3 Wide angle Lawoa or ?

    Stuck at home today waiting on package to arrive. So got to thinking which makes my wife very nervous. Currently use 12-100 F4 or Panny 15 for wide angle on my OM-1 but have been thinking of going a little wider. Don't really want fisheye. Looking at Laowa 10 f/2, or 7.5, Olympus...
  4. AndyH44

    Fuji New Firmware! Improved AF-S with wide angle lenses!

    Just tested in my X-S20 and the AF-S improvement is noticeable, but still could be better.
  5. AndyMcD

    Lens Wide Angle MFD Shootout

    Now that I have the Laowa 9mm f/2.8 I thought it would be fun to try all of my wide angle lenses at their minimum focus distance. All pictures were shot at f/11 and with a single MF12 flash at 1/8 power First TTArtisans 7.5/2.0 (should have dusted it off I think) Inserted 19 Dec 2023, Fuji XF...
  6. L0n3Gr3yW0lf

    Sony Looking for advice on wide angle lenses

    Hello. I am looking for advice, experience with or just opinion, on wide angle lenses for Sony FE. Let me say the use cases first: *I would like a wide angle for one handed selfies of me and my little dog on travel, I'm not sure which focal length would be better/easier for that as I haven't...
  7. William Lewis

    Wide angle landscapes

    Still trying to learn to use my Voigtlander 21/4 as it's the widest I've used. Not that wide to some, I'm sure, but it's quite different from the 28's I've used in the past.
  8. William Lewis

    Wide Eyed Christmas at the Hotel

    Well, wide angle at least. Voigtlander 21/4 fresh from repair.
  9. M. Valdemar

    Manual Lens Canon Rangefinder 35mm f1.5 Wide Angle Lens is Highly Radioactive

    I was testing some of my vintage Rolex dials for radioactivity with a dosimeter. Out of curiosity, I pulled out some of my rangefinder lenses and tested them. I had one collapsible 50mm Summicron that I was almost positive was radioactive but it was not. So then I tried the 35mm f1.5 Canon and...
  10. phigmov

    Wide Angle Macro - Anyone tried the Opteka 15mm f4?

    Noticed some of these going cheap on Evilbay. Anyone tried one? Any good? Or are they garbage? I read that they are similar to the Laowa 15mm f4 Macros but without the Shift capability.
  11. rflove

    Leica CL with Voigtlander 15mm f4.5 Heliar Ultra Wide Angle

    I was trying the new adapter that came in yesterday and decided to take the CV 15mm f4.5 lens for a walk at night. The images were all too noisy. I'm too inexperienced with the camera and had the settings poorly selected by mistake. These were captured with as high as ISO 25,000... As I said...
  12. Lightmancer

    Fuji Wide boy?

    It occurs to me that I am in danger of being over-endowed in the wide lens stakes... Bear in mind that my primary use of a wideangle is when travelling, in urban environments, to get things in. That means people and/or architecture in particular. As I stand I have the 14mm and the recent...
  13. Jonathan F/2

    Sigma The Sigma 15-30mm EX DG Lens - Revisiting modern vintage glass!

    Lately I've been researching all the various wide angle lenses you can get for a modern DSLR. After shooting mirrorless for awhile and witnessing the smallness and simplicity of compact M-mount wide angle glass, especially the Voigtlander 15mm f/4.5 Heliar lens, I've been searching for a DSLR...
  14. C

    Film Fuji Instax 500AF

    Here is one of first images from this camera, I used the wide colour pack as I wanted to finish it off, I am not a fan of the colour film as much as I am of the monochrome. No flash, the chapel was not well lit, the light was coming from a stain glass window above.
  15. D

    Apple Images by iPhone 6s-plus using clip-on wide-angle lenses.

    I have an inbox full of unprocessed images, but although this one is very atypical, it's an interesting challenge for me. The OlloClip wide-angle lens has quite a bit of distortion, but getting more used to it, I'm making better use of its features - in this case some vignetting. The fortunate...
  16. Provincetown, Ma

    Provincetown, Ma

    Race point....
  17. Surf's up at Mattiscombe

    Surf's up at Mattiscombe

  18. death


    Dead tractor on an abandoned farm.
  19. Derelict Byre-black and white

    Derelict Byre-black and white

    Further reprocessing of my original SIJ - Day 16 entry
  20. A damp corner of the wild wood

    A damp corner of the wild wood
