xf 55-200

  1. Darmok N Jalad

    Fuji XF 55-200 Vignetting

    So I picked this lens up used because I thought I was going to be waiting a long time for the 70-300. Good news is, I found a 70-300 that is on its way to me. Now I’m trying to evaluate this 55-200 to see if I should hang on to it or return it. I took several shots of a raptor in a tree on an...
  2. AndyH44

    Fuji Oh My....another New Lens!

    Just received my brand spanking new (2018, 2nd quarter mfg date) XF 55-200 f3.5-4.8 lens today from B&H! This is a very nice, well built lens and I'm very impressed after taking a few images and comparing it to my excellent XC 50-230 copy. Just happened to have a 62mm Breakthrough Photography...