
  1. SIJ Day 27; Watch for Ice on Bridge

    SIJ Day 27; Watch for Ice on Bridge

  2. SIJ Day 26, Green Tower

    SIJ Day 26, Green Tower

  3. SIJ Day 25

    SIJ Day 25

  4. SIJ Day 24; Ann Arbor Rd

    SIJ Day 24; Ann Arbor Rd

    sorry for two entries so close together. My XZ-1 went with today.
  5. SIJ Day 23- Crooked corner

    SIJ Day 23- Crooked corner

    Used my Alternate here, very clean night shots with the XZ
  6. SIJ Day 16, Vivid Glory

    SIJ Day 16, Vivid Glory

    With my Alternate, XZ-1
  7. SIJ Day 15; Streak

    SIJ Day 15; Streak

    Ver ytired today, grabbed XZ-1, my Alternate. So Tired it was left at ISO 100 for this shot. 1/2 sec at f1.8 HANDHELD My God the IS on this thing is GOOD!
  8. The two mighty Olympuses!

    The two mighty Olympuses!

    About ten years apart Olympus introduced two mighty compacts, that the world should have paid attention to: first the mighty C-8080, with magnesium body, an articulated display, a high-resolution EVF, a superb grip, and a lot of other goodies. But sales were disappointing, the camera was...
  9. Three nice cameras!

    Three nice cameras!

    The main problem with the K-5 (right) is size (although much smaller than many other DSLRs). The Olympus XZ-1 is excellent in bad lighting, but has a short zoom. The Sony HX9V is one of the best video cameras around, and has a decent zoom as well, but it doesn't like dusk at all! The...