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Leica 7Artisans 75mm F1.25, shipping next month.


Product of the Fifties

The 7Artisans super-speed lens is now on sale, delivery starts in September. Under $500 with tax and shipping, ordered from the US.

I could not resist. I will be comparing it with the Canon 85/1.5, which I picked up for about the same price.

The new lens is stated to be based on a Sonnar, but from the optical diagram looks more like a Double-Gauss design. I would like to see that explained. F1.25 is fast, 1/2 stop faster than an F1.5 and the lens is less than 1/2 the price of the Voigtlander 75/1.5. Under 5% of the cost of the Leica Noctilux.

I'll post back when I get the lens, will test it out on the M9 and M Monochrom. The 50/1.1 sharpens up quite a bit with a Yellow filter on the M Monochrom. I'll be interested in what this one does.
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Given that this and the Noctilux are the same basic spec and are released around about the same time it would be great to see a direct comparison though I feel the intersection between users of both lenses must be pretty small. I'm sure one of the 7A lenses is winging its way to Wetzlar as we speak
I'm sure the Leica will outperform this lens- at $12,000 it should be a highly corrected masterpiece of engineering.
For under $500, I could not pass this lens up. Also had some Paypal funds left over from repairing and selling a lens. I'm looking forward to comparing it with the Canon 85/1.5, as I paid about the same for the 60 year old lens. The latter is bigger and heavier, and is very under-rated.
Agreed about the Noctilux outperforming it, it would be worrying if it didn't at that price; but looking forward to the Canon test.