@boojum , which is acc to you the better camera, M or P?
Sophie's choice. I like the M9 for its color and heft. I like the Pixii for its color and heft. They are both great cameras. The M9 has a factory upgraded sensor and circuit board. And it is familiar. The Pixii is new and I am still learning it. There have been a few software glitches but they have been addressed except for one: WiFi which is being chased by the crew at Pixii. Because the M9 is old I would opt for the Pixii. OTOH the Pixii kind of cuts off at 50mm lenses. I tried a Jupiter 85 and 130 and got odd results with verticals and will have to retest that. It would help if we had some sunshine here, oh, please, some sunshine. ;o)
For the future it will be Pixii. It is nascent and will only get better. The M9 will only decline. And I do have a bias for the French. But objectively the Pixii is revealing itself to be a very good, capable camera. With the Amotal it gets lovely color, luminescence and definition. It does alright with the Canon 28 and 35. Other than the still sometimes shaky software this camera is pleasing me. I think it would please the rest of you but will not go out on that limb. I would suggest that you try it if you can. Considering the sensor is APS-C the images are quite good and enlarge well.
My biggest Pixii complaints are the nosebleed around getting it to me and the WiFi. The delivery is not Pixii's fault and the WiFi is at the top of Pixii's priority list. Brian and the other programmers here know it is first get the thing to work and then tune it. The software nearly works 100%. When it works 100%, i. e., the logic is all right, then subroutines can be tweaked.* That is kind of how it happens. Some subroutines will be tweaked in Pixii to speed up write times. With WiFi turned on in the camera battery life is shortened. Perhaps WiFi can be detected for "in use" and put into an idle or sleep mode if not in use. These are the things that are done once it is all running and stable.
In short, as much as I love the M9 I suspect I will be using the Pixii. I am taking some trips this summer and it will be Pixii + 28, 35 Canons and 50mm Cooke Amotal and the Sony A7M III with the Sony/Zeiss 55mm f/1.8 and that wonderful 24 - 240 zoom. I have an M42 > Sony lens mount adapter. Laptop, of course, to post any lucky shots and keep up with email, WD USB 4TB HD and my much needed Lt. Cmdr. Ace Barksalot, the Schipperke, who acts as copilot and navigator. Dogs love going for rides. This one thinks I work for him and am obliged to drive him around. Its the breed. ;o)
* Wizard level coders can get logic and efficiency done first shot. They are a weird and non-descript bunch who work heinous hours or hang around and act silly. They are scary smart.