Leica A little Pixii Dust sprinkled on the Leica Forum

Shot at either f/4.0, most likely, or f/5.6. What pieces of gunk?
They’re very faint, but these are the three I noticed. At those apertures, it may be dust right on the sensor and not the lens. Worth a look!
Well, that is a startling catch on your part and required some real sleuthing. I will check the sensor and the lens.

Now, to the subject of the post, how do you think the Pixii resolves compared to the X2D?
I think it’s difficult to stack just about anything up to the sensor in the X2D and call it a fair fight. However, I think the PIXII looks pretty nice. I feel like the colors are better looking since they sent it back to you for some reason.
I think it’s difficult to stack just about anything up to the sensor in the X2D and call it a fair fight. However, I think the PIXII looks pretty nice. I feel like the colors are better looking since they sent it back to you for some reason.
That is an interesting observation as I was unaware of any upgrades to the Pixii color engine. The factory upgrade was for an upgrade to the 64bit chip. I have seen no chatter over at the Pixii group on FB about color changes or at any other place. I'll keep an eye peeled.

Jim Chung did the Pixii - Phase One B&W comparison and the Pixii impressed even him. And it was a pure test of resolution, not color even though there were color comparisons. Pixii Camera – true monochrome performance with a Bayer layer?

I have not had enough sunshine here to get a really good outside test of color but I am ever hopeful that we will get sunshine and maybe even warm weather, if my expectations are not too high.
OK, I had to break out today. I made a run around the harbor and took some more photos of the Iona. The owner just bought it and is ready to get it fitted out and shipshape, sail across the Columbia Bar and do a circumnavigation. It's a pretty boat. Here she is in the late afternoon light which I am facing into, Canon 28mm LTM f/2.8, f/5.6, ISO 320, EC -0.5, AWB, color profile Standard, JPG SOOC.

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I think it’s difficult to stack just about anything up to the sensor in the X2D and call it a fair fight. However, I think the PIXII looks pretty nice. I feel like the colors are better looking since they sent it back to you for some reason.
Also, the firmware on mine was screwed up - I did it - so it came back clean and acting as M. Pixii should. I really like the color and do think it more like the X2D than the Leicas. And here is a little propaganda from a reviewer on YT. He has come to love it as have I and he lists the reasons as to why this is a superior camera.
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Out and about with Pixii today. I have the new beta with auto ISO installed. I like it but it may still need to shake out some more. My first two shots were wildly overexposed and after that underexposed. This could be for two reasons: 1) EC -0.5 and, 2) AVG metering. I have set the EC to 0.0 and will try that for a while. If it is still a problem I will go to center weighted metering and see how that works. These are B&W so the color profile means squat. The sensor does native B&W by somehow eliminating the Bayer filter. I am repeating what I read so do not expect an explanation of what that means. ;o) What it does mean is that it is possible to shoot RAW (DNG) in native B&W on the same sensor that can shoot color RAW. Pixii is seeking a patent. Both SOOC other than being reduced in size and both with the Canon 28mm f/2.8 LTM.

Here are two boats, one daylight, the other night. Both underexposed as I noted above. But here they are anyway:

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FWIW, I asked at the the FB Pixii group about the beta underexposure and was told that changing the metering to spot will knock out the underexposure problem in low light. I will be testing it. I am told I can go back to the last stable release but will dink around with the beta some more.

Here is a comparison between the mono and Bayer images, both Auto ISO, Auto WB, Aperture priority, SOOC JPEG:

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Pixii has been itching me for a while, already. Unfortunately I have far too many cameras/systems and struggling to lower the number. But I'm interested in seeing some pictures and reading experiences. Never say never 😎

I'm thinking to have two bodies for M-lenses and adapt these Ms to another third body. Two M-bodies would be Leica M8 and Pixii another. The adaptable body is more difficult, two options basically after thrown Canon out of my sight (still owning EF 35&50 L 1.4&1.2 respectively, because …🙄). Mirrorless Leica SL (Typ 601) or Nikon Df, or keeping both. That's my struggle, if I could choose between Nikon and Leica, I could consider Pixii [says my better half] 😂
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I like the Pixii, it is a quirky little devil but I am now in a beta just to use the Auto ISO. I may go back to the last stable release as I have a trip planned out to the desert.

Pixii is starting from scratch, with no camera experience other than what may be grafted from GoPro. And Barth seems the keystone there, it is a small crew. Folks are bitching about the slow progress of X2D firmware upgrades and that is a way bigger and better capitalized company. These guys at Pixii are doing great. They are not perfect. Who is? But they have a nice camera, well tuned sensor and are working their way through their firmware. The good news is that the camera is improving. My biggest complaint is that the shutter sound is so quiet. OTOH, I wear hearing aids. ;o)
Pixii has been itching me for a while, already. Unfortunately I have far too many cameras/systems and struggling to lower the number. But I'm interested in seeing some pictures and reading experiences. Never say never 😎

I'm thinking to have two bodies for M-lenses and adapt these Ms to another third body. Two M-bodies would be Leica M8 and Pixii another. The adaptable body is more difficult, two options basically after thrown Canon out of my sight (still owning EF 35&50 L 1.4&1.2 respectively, because …🙄). Mirrorless Leica SL (Typ 601) or Nikon Df, or keeping both. That's my struggle, if I could choose between Nikon and Leica, I could consider Pixii [says my better half] 😂

Sisu, baby. You'll figure something out.
Those look good to me. Pixii does most of their work using a 64-bit processor, which is much easier to pump out code as opposed to using dedicated hardware ASIC and attached processors.

I understand the Pixii approach for B&W, they do not eliminate the Bayer pattern mosaic filter- I believe they use knowledge of the spectral curves to compute the original intensity and equalize it.
I've written "histogram equalization code" for the M8 to do color IR. Use an Orange filter to take out Blue and boost the blue channel that recorded the IR.
OK, I have been puttering with the PIxii again. I took a trip to Nevada to shoot US 50 but found the aprons are about six feet too narrow for my car. So hang that one up. I came prepared with the X2D, the M9 and the Pixii and a bunch of LTM lenses with M39 > M42 adapters and the UV/IR filters. All Pixii shot with the Canon 28mm LTM f/2.8.

So there is little to post. Here is one of my old, since '67, friend Tony who swung by my motel in Carpenteria so we could meet another fellow and throw some BS as we ate dinner. The Tony shot is the native Pixii B&W which the camera will do in DNG, too. Cute trick, eh, to do that as well as color. ISO 25600.

Then some recent night shots around Astoria which is on the Columbia River and sees a lot of ship traffic. Not great stuff but what I saw recently.

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You have probably all heard that Pixii is making a 24+MP sensor full frame now. I am due for an update in September. Upgrade, shipping, etc., all paid for. David Barth at PIxii did an extensive interview about Pixii on YT with Happy Snappin':

and JL Willams did a vid on the Max, too:

There are others.

But here is the showstopper, combine demolition derbies!! Yes, you heard me right. So forget the FF Pixii and get right with combine demolition derbies. Only in America! LOL The shot is with the CV 35mm f/1.4 Nokton II @f/5.6.

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