Feedback A main topic for adapted lenses, please?

Would you like a Main Topic for Adapter Lenses?

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Hall of Famer
Somerset, UK
Can we, please, have a main topic on Adapted lenses so that all brands\mounts can cave a source of information and to share images of\samples adapted lenses. Fragmentation of threads per lens for each brand can make it very time consuming to find the information one would like to find or add to.
And within the main topic have seperate topic per crop factor because it changes the output of an adapted lens when using Medium Format, 35mm FF, 1.5\1.6x APS-C, M4\3, 1" and smaller sensors.

I am starting (hopefully) a life long adventure of adapted lenses and I don't want to post them just on Sony (brand\mount) as it's applicable to Nikon Z, Canon RF, Panasonic and Sigma L Mount too.

Pretty please?
Sounds like the 'Lenses' forum would be the place?

I would agree but it's so easy to lose a thread if there's no reply for a few days or weeks. Something that is more sticky would be a lot more helpful. And having a separate sticky for 35mm FF and crop would help "isolate" the output instead of having to scroll through pages of info on more related information one would need. I have 10 different vintage lenses in M42, Pentax K, Praktica B and Exacta mounts. Having a mini-database type of listing for each lens added by the users who have them could inspire more people to try the lenses in the future.
And within the main topic have seperate topic per crop factor because it changes the output of an adapted lens when using Medium Format, 35mm FF, 1.5\1.6x APS-C, M4\3, 1" and smaller sensors.

I am starting (hopefully) a life long adventure of adapted lenses and I don't want to post them just on Sony (brand\mount) as it's applicable to Nikon Z, Canon RF, Panasonic and Sigma L Mount too.

Pretty please?
I don't think it's very useful to categorize per sensor size (crop) because legacy lenses are useable across various sensor sizes. For instance, I have used Minolta macro lenses on µ4/3, APS-C and FF sensors.

What kind of information you would like to read/contribute?

A BBS type forum like what we have here is not super conducive being a database of tidbits.
I want to add specs, pictures of them and then samples of output, like sharpness, color rendition, bokeh examples, flare control, aberration, distortion, vignetting, coma. Not scientific testing but real world testing.

I don't think it's very useful to categorize per sensor size (crop) because legacy lenses are useable across various sensor sizes. For instance, I have used Minolta macro lenses on µ4/3, APS-C and FF sensors.
Crop sensors can give different results, sometimes better, like different look for the bokeh, less sharpness (especially this because crop sensors are very demanding on glass quality), cropping out distortions, vignetting.

If you check on YouTube for Christopher Frost he has quite a few reviews on lenses that seem good on 35mm FF but put it on 1.5x crop and the sharpness is less (sometimes just the corners but sometimes both centre and corner).
I want to add specs, pictures of them and then samples of output, like sharpness, color rendition, bokeh examples, flare control, aberration, distortion, vignetting, coma. Not scientific testing but real world testing.
Something in the style of what PentaxForums do? 🙂

We don't have a precedent for this sort of database stuff. And personally I am not too sure it's useful to take one's subjective take on a lens and assign objective ratings to them.

The best I can suggest, be the change you want to see. Start some threads and populate them with the information you envision they should have. If others see the utility, we can start (re)organizing that content into a better form if needed. In other words, start building Rome by constructing your small huts first.
Something in the style of what PentaxForums do? 🙂

We don't have a precedent for this sort of database stuff. And personally I am not too sure it's useful to take one's subjective take on a lens and assign objective ratings to them.

The best I can suggest, be the change you want to see. Start some threads and populate them with the information you envision they should have. If others see the utility, we can start (re)organizing that content into a better form if needed. In other words, start building Rome by constructing your small huts first.
Inspired by PentaxForums? Yes. But they focus only on Pentax K mount, M42 mount and 645 mounts because that's what their cameras can use. There are other databases out there but a lot of them have inconsistent amounts of information. I wasn't looking for assigning ratings to them, just the physical specifications and sample images with the lens, the way showcases threads are.

Well, anywho, if I have to make them thread by thread then that's what I will do.
(PS. I do appreciate your responses)
I have a life-long adventure with lenses, and about 25 years of experience adapting lenses to various mounts. Own somewhere around 250 lenses.

One issue with digital cameras is behavior of the lens changes depending on the geometry of the sensor and the sensor stack. For example- a 7artisans 50mm F1.1 has a full f-stop increase in vignetting when used on a Sony camera versus a Leica M Monochrom. So- experience using a lens on one camera system may not apply to all systems.

Most of the camera-specific forums have a "Showcase" category. There used to be "Showclase" categories for Camera Body, Native Lens, and Adapted Lens. All this was lost when the individual sites were combined to cameraderie. I put a lot of work and time to the showcase forums of Leicaplace, just to watch it get rolled up into one big category.

Modified lenses.
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FWIW, I bought a new to me adapted lens last year and wanted to add to thread(s) that had already been started on it. But I couldn't see one, so started one myself Manual Lens - Zuiko Macro 50mm F3.5 . Now anyone in the same or similar position to me can add to it and there's no limit to inputting whatever information is relevant to you. There's many similar threads on other such older lenses, most of them put together by Brian and others. Seems to work, no?
{Adding a poll after the conversation is underway seems a bit leading... 🤨}

Would there be enough activity to warrant any new dedicated forums instead of using the Lenses forum? It's easy enough to add a new thread prefix like 'Adapted' to the forum which is a good way of seeing the usage to determine if the topic should be broken out into a new forum.
It's easy enough to add a new thread prefix like 'Adapted' to the forum which is a good way of seeing the usage to determine if the topic should be broken out into a new forum.
Looks like I forgot to circle back.... the "Adapted" prefix for threads in the Lenses forum is now available. If there are any existing threads that should be updated with the new prefix then (a) any of the mod team members have access to move threads and/or change prefixes; (b) if somebody points them out to me I can move the threads and/or change the prefix; (c) if the thread is already in the Lenses forum but with a different prefix then the thread creator should be able to edit the prefix if they want to.

If it turns out that there's a huge number of threads then, yes, we'll talk about a new dedicated forum for them. 🙂