Stroll After Christmas Park Trip, learning to Rollarblade

One of her Christmas gifts was a set of rollerblades. We have taken a few park trips to try and get more secure and get out of the house.

A6400 and 18-135mm

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Still not perfect, took a few tumbles
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But she is proud of herself
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I just put in my 2 cts about the 'Cousins' shoot. I said this girl would give you a printable image SOON.

TADA!!! #4 right here! right now!

This isn't my fave monitor so take these ideas with a giant block of salt. To my eye- I'd make #4 a vertical by cropping the right half of the pic-- up to and removing the blue door. Oddly there was a young lady at our local Staples that was a great help with sizing a difficult print. Prints there were cheap to boot.
I’m so jealous! She makes such a good test of tracking C-AF.
I have been with Sony and their APS-C's since the NEX-3 days. AF was ok, but heaven forbid the subject moves. I grew to enjoy older manual focus lenses and still enjoy slowing down just a bit

Slowly they got better and better until we got to the A6000 (Full Frame is a whole different story) which was finally able to get AF down. But keeping AF lock once the subject moved was just not there yet.

Now with my A6400 and the other models with the new AF, I have no concerns with keeping up with the action.