Architecture Art Deco - NEX 5


Sunny Frimley
An age gone by:)


Christina - are we in the hotel, still?:D

That vignetting worked out wonderfully in your first and gives this a serious moodiness to me - plus I think it emphasizes the feeling of times past. It's also a great example of the kind of attention to detail and workmanship that one can find in fine old places such as this one. Great stuff
Oh Christina I know exactly what you mean by 'stir crazy' ; couldn't get out quick enough on Monday just to Asda for shopping that I didn't really need! love the photos reminds me of 'Upstairs downstairs' on TV recently.
I'm interested in your and others views on the NEX5 I have one on the way at this very moment; after a lot of reading of various reviews and a vg price offered at Express Warehouse I succumbed to Silver with18-55mm.
Hope this fills the gap in my ridiculously increasing collection of cameras.