Fuji Autofocusing issues?

Please try AF-S with a wide angle lens (<27mm) @ f5.6 using the distance scale with DOF set at "pixel" for reference. Choose a subject at a known distance, say 15ft. See if the distance marker (white line) chooses correct subject distance consistently with repeated presses of AF-ON button or shutter (whichever you use).
Thanks Andy I'll give that a go.
Well I don't know what to make of this Andy. I took 5 or 6 repeated sequences using my 16mm f1.4 lens at f5.6 ISO 400, f5, ss 1/250sec.
The first burst showed I was 15ft away (I measured it with a tape). The second showed I was 10ft away, the 3rd showed 25ft away, next, 7ft away, next 2 15ft.
I await your thoughts eagerly to say the least. I use back button focus with the AF-on button.
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Well I don't know what to make of this Andy. I took 5 or 6 repeated sequences using my 16mm f1.4 lens at f5.6 ISO 400, f5, ss 1/250sec.
The first burst showed I was 15ft away (I measured it with a tape). The second showed I was 10ft away, the 3rd showed 25ft away, next, 7ft away, next 2 15ft.
I await your thoughts eagerly to say the least. I use back button focus with the AF-on button.
That is precisely typical of the issue many have experienced. Pretty much the same as I've found with my new XF 18-120 f4 lens. :(
Stretch the distance out to 30 feet and watch what happens. Shocking to see the distance scale vary between infinity and a mere 6~7 feet!
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2 weeks ago I did contact with Fujifilm HQ in Tokyo and send them this email:

"Dear Fujifilm,

I have issue with Autofocus in specific combination of my camera X-S10, and XF 23/1.4 R WR LM lens.
The autofocus in AF-S is not reliable when using wide angle lenses (23/1.4, 18/1.4, 16/1.4, 14/2.8 etc) with aperture stopped down starting from f/5.6, and focusing on long distances (like for landscape photography)
The focus on a static subject at long distances (20m+ ), can jump from 5 meters to 10 meters, totally missing the correct focus (I got visuals with AF distance indicator on my EVF)
It happens in good lighting conditions and during good weather.
The problem is the AF is not being consistent between shots using AF-S especially when you set apertures from f5.6 or more.
AF point size doesn't matter, focus scale ON/OFF doesn't matter.

Following videos below clearly shows the problem:

Only workaround is to set camera to MF, press back button AF-ON to acquire focus, and then release the shutter.
In such scenario the problem does not occur at all, so maybe this will give You some clue, to find the solution.

In biggest photography forum - dpreview, in Fujifilm cameras section there are many threads about this specific problem, with dozen of users reporting exactly same behavior of inconsistent AF-S in various models of Fujifilm X series cameras, with wide angle lenses stopped down to f/5.6 or more
Here is couple of examples:

You can find in those topics many sample files illustrating the issue, for further examination.
I look forward for Your response!

Best regards,
Maciej Kozłowski"

Second YT video from my previous post is taken by me, and in this video it is me testing X-S10 + XF 23/1.4 R WR LM

Next day, Fujifilm Tokyo forward my email to Fujifilm Poland, where Maciej Markowski Product Manager Fujifilm Central & Eastern European Region (Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia) respond to me asking for more details.
So I call him and I told the whole problem via phone call.
We agreed that I will send my X-S10 + XF 23/1.4 R WR LM to Fujifilm service for test and diagnostics.
Right now, my camera and lens is in the service, and Im waiting for the answer.
I will let You know guys, if I will know anything from Fujifilm :)
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2 weeks ago I did contact with Fujifilm HQ in Tokyo and send them this email:

Second YT video from my previous post is taken by me, and in this video it is me testing X-S10 + XF 23/1.4 R WR LM

Next day, Fujifilm Tokyo forward my email to Fujifilm Poland, where Maciej Markowski Product Manager Fujifilm Central & Eastern European Region (Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia) respond to me asking for more details.
So I call him and I told the whole problem via phone call.
We agreed that I will send my X-S10 + XF 23/1.4 R WR LM to Fujifilm service for test and diagnostics.
Right now, my camera and lens is in the service, and Im waiting for the answer.
I will let You know guys, if I will know anything from Fujifilm :)
In that second video focus also jumps around quite a bit even at f/2, can't imagine that shots taken with these focus settings would be acceptably in focus, as depth of field of course is a lot smaller at f/2 compared to f/5.6. Very much looking forward to any reaction on Fuji's behalf.
I sent some more images showing the problems I was experiencing with my X-H2S to Fuji support and a UK Fuji Technician who was kind enough to try and hellp but to no avail. They have asked me to send my camera back to them again and I am using my X-T3 back up in the meantime. I hope they resolve it this time.
Very much looking forward to any reaction on Fuji's behalf.

Of course, as soon as I get an answer from the Fuji service, I will let you guys know (y)

Meanwhile I found an interesting article about Fuji AF issues.
It describes exactly the same problem as we do in here, so it is another evidence that AF issue with UWA lenses is real problem and Fuji just cant deny it!
I just came back to this thread to see if anyone had experienced any improvements since the last firmware upgrade? I've had better images but it's still not as good as I'd like. I found out that Fujifilm UK were able to recreate the issue themselves and escalate it to Fujifilm Japan, hence the last firmware update. I'm not sure how Fujifilm compares with other systems though, I'm only a one brand shooter. I can cast iron guarantee though that my Canon 40D and 17-55 EF-S would have completely blown my existing system away.