B&W Black & White, monotone and sepia


betwixt and between
Post an image with or without an explanation, but don't hesitate to give a story. Please, though, do add the details on your camera, lens, etc., for those of us who feel we really are on a "need to know" basis.:smile:

I'm taking this idea from Brian S. over on mu-43.com, who has described the reasons behind a Words/No Words thread:
The W/NW threads are not for critique of images. Post a follow-up image and let it speak for itself, and to inspire- rather than giving advice on how you would have done the image. W/NW threads typically are open to all types of camera formats, even in semi-dedicated sites such as this one.

W/NW threads were popular on photo.net, going back a long time. I first started participating in ~2002. Several Photography sites have set up W/NW forums. Rangefinderforum.com has an active W/NW forum.

Just to add- many times you get a Photo that you want to show, and on a site with a W/NW forum- often an existing thread is there to place it in. Otherwise, many "one-Photo" threads come, and sink into the abyss within a week. The W/NW threads bring the old posts back to the surface.


E-PL1 Panny 20mm @ f/5.0 1/60 ISO Flash fired

Used Aperture 3, and this was the day our daughter got her Olympus E-620. Her friend is clearing enjoying the view.:biggrin:

Canon PowerShot S90, 22.5mm @ f/4.9, 1/8, ISO 800

When I bought my Canon PowerShot S90, I took some test shots as soon the battery was full. Unfortunately it was already night and I could use only the lighting of the shop window. Above shot was one of the first pictures I took with this great compact camera and since then I really like this small camera. I have done some (but not much) noise reduction in Adobe Camera Raw 6.
Andrew, I appreciate the way you see these moments in your children's lives...your life. (I think they're yours.) This photo and some of your others remind me of Gary Winogrand's way of looking at the world.
BB, Thanks. The one up in the air is mine. Though I'm "required" to take family snapshots, when I can I try to use an alternative vision from the standard form. And since my free time for photography is so limited I leverage what I can from the family snaps. No complaints, though, it's all great fun.

I just bought a used copy of a Winogrand book - I'll have to look at it again tonight.
Andrew, I think your alternative vision for your family snapshots is something that your children certainly will appreciate when they're older if they don't quite yet. Family snapshots that are also good photographs are the best combination ever.

As for Winogrand, that's who came to my mind. There are number of photographers from that era who had their own special kind of skewed view of everyday life around them... I suppose really all photographers have their own way of seeing their world and some speak in a special way to us, as individuals. Not all of us share the same likes and dislikes, so that makes things all the more interesting, I think.

Anyhow, thanks Andrew. I enjoy your view.
La playa - such a pure image. I love the ocean and the beach so much - this is a distillation for me.

If anyone thinks that the Olympus E-P1 and its "kit lens" are not good enough, they're clearly incapable.

A really lovely pristine view of the beach. Many thanks.
I browsed through my Winogrand book tonight. Long, intense day and looking at photographs was good therapy. I really like his vision. It made me think... so many photographs taken today and yet which ones would stand the test of time? It is a question that has been on my mind lately, and one reason why I recently purchased several used, older photography books. To understand what makes a good photograph, one that will be looked upon from history. Not that that is my goal, but I want to both understand and improve my own work.

As I considered the Winogrand pictures, each one looked both banal and yet also interesting and unique. There was something about each image that made it memorable, or at least worth a passing glance. And yes, I appreciated his unique perspective, his leaning frame. He had a portfolio from the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, which is funny because I grew up there and went every year. Not much has changed since his day, though I have not been in decades. How he caught the people and the scenes captured it for me.

So many photobooks, so little time. But thanks again. Your comments have me re-looking at my work, or at least the photographs from that day, and collecting a similar portfolio of it and sharing with family. It was my daughter's second birthday, thus the bouncy house.