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B&W Black & White, monotone and sepia

Thank you SC buddies!! 🙂 I should have linked to my Flickr stream. Best to view as a slide-show since I had to disable downloads due to image theft. If they still appear too small, let me know. These pictures were taken with ambient light in a hotel restaurant while I was waiting for dinner to arrive. The bar area had really great romantic lighting and I played the curious tourist with the EP2 strapped around my neck rotating around the flowers which were placed between the bar and the hotel lobby.
:jacobin😛igeon: Flickr Stream
Does it count as "monotone" if it's unintentionally monotone?


Canon G10 - Copacabana, Avenida Atlântica, 6:00 AM
Jacob, thank you for your Flickr link. I'm saddened to read that you had problems with image theft. It's really terrible to have to think about that. I am glad to be able to look at the photos via your slideshow there. There's just something about seeing those white blooms in black and white - the shadow play on them and sense three dimension really came through for me. Some other very interesting shots, as well!

José, "unintentional" monotone is fine! Hey, it's the Copacabana! Wish I were sitting there right now.
Peter, I love the grainy old time film feel - and there are people swimming in this wonderful ocean pool!! Wonderful! This seems like a big change - I'm going to head over to Flickr to see more!
A wodka - my husband's favorite drink. We spell it vodka here in New York.

Cheers, Ronald - I think it's a great shot - no pun intended - and like the way you the light and darks worked so well together...along with that cold condensation!

Leica X1 f/2.8 @ 1/30th ISO 500

I took this photo a while ago of course it was in color, but today I went back to look at some photos I hadn't gotten around to deleting and thought I'd try a black and white conversion. I believe I was focussing on the curtains or "the nets" as BillN would say... Pretty difficult to do, if not impossible. I kind of like it, but I guess I wouldn't have posted it here if I didn't.😉