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B&W Black & White, monotone and sepia


E-PL1 + 14-42 @ 18mm, 1/10 handheld, ISO 3200. I used a weak LED light of a cell phone for her right side.
intense, any chance of getting you to post your nighttime portrait in a larger size? I'd love to get a better view - it looks to me as though you caught the light beautifully!

Ferry, thanks for your portrait - lovely light in her eyes and it works very well in black and white.
BBW, I can post it larger, you just tell me how larger and I will resize the original. Keep in mind that the original is 8.75 MB and it may be too large for the forum.
Quite cool - eerie yes, and spooky! This could be a still from an old Sherlock Holmes film! Basil Rathbone must be just about to stride in with his deerhunter, caped tweed coat and pipe! Kind of an HDR look, too.
"Black & White, monotone and sepia" ... hmmm ...
This is a full color photo (pretty accurate color, actually) of a "Black & White, monotone and sepia" subject.


This was one of the first shots I took with a Canon S3is, about 4-5 years ago. I ended up pretty happy with the camera for a year or two.
Always pushing the envelope, José!😃 Actually that's a very interesting photo - full color of those three subtle objects. Lovely textures and the tones are quite lovely.

Kathy - the foggy background is great - nice feeling of depth even with the limitations that fog can place. Glad to know it was early and it feels as though it was wet, too. A very subdued and pretty scene - that one streetlight or park light glowing in the back right, is a really nice extra touch.