Challenge! Cameraderie Challenge #66 - Insomnia _Winner Announced!


Start Date
Jan 22, 2024
End Date
Feb 22, 2024
The theme of this challenge is to represent the effects of insomnia or sleeplessness, where someone has trouble sleeping. Your entry can show the effects of, or aftermath of not being able to sleep.

Here's one possible example with a variety of interpretations which include showing exhausted people.
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The standard rules apply:

As usual, this Challenge will consider originality, technical merit and artistic vision.
No change to the tried and trusted rules, which are as follows:

1. Either take pictures that match the nominated theme or select some from your portfolio. You must be the photographer that created the image in order to enter it.
2. Only one entry per challenge, please. If you want to withdraw an entry and replace it with another, that is OK, but you must make it clear in the post containing your
replacement pictures that this is what you've done. You can add or change the title and add to the edit line to let everyone know.
3. The decision of the curator at the end of the challenge is final - don't give him/her a hard time about it: this is just a friendly photo challenge, after all!
4. The winner will assume the responsibility of curator for the next Challenge, and as soon as possible post a message in a new thread in the Cameraderie Photo Challenges forum,
with details of the new theme. Don't forget - the opening message must include a copy of these instructions, which also double as the rules.
5. The curator cannot enter in his / her / their own challenge.

This challenge will open January 22, 2024 and will run until Febuary 22th, 2024 - 21:00 UTC+1 (or as close as I manage to log in)
Thanks for hosting this new Cameraderie Challenge, Mike! Definitely a challenging theme, I'm excited about this one! I've already started looking through my backlog but maybe I'll go for a new image instead...
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I'd all but blocked this memory of last summer.

While hiking a long distance trail in Germany, I did my first bit of wild camping in a place where it's not legal (previously only in countries where it's legal). I was in quite a rural area and there weren't any good stretches of forest to disappear into so I ended up pitching my tent just off a local trail, heavily into twilight to avoid anyone on their evening stroll seeing me. As it turned out, I did a poor job of pitching the tent (never did a trial run, rookie mistake), it was on a slight incline and the tent floor is slippery as heck which meant my sleeping pad kept sliding down into the wall of the tent, and I was very nervous about getting caught. These factors combined to keep me awake right until morning twilight, despite having just walked 28km / 17.5 miles. I managed about half an hour of sleep before I got afraid of being caught by people on their morning stroll, and decided to pack up. Not a great start for a 30km / 18.6 mile second day of walking... Which duly ended up becoming the most miserable day of the 8 day hike.
Any last minute submissions? One more day of shooting so get them in...anything related to sleeplessness. Come on fellow photogs, let's see your creativity!
I've been looking at everyones post for the last month, trying to put myself in your position as the artist. These are the ones that exemplify "Insomnia" for me.

First is JensM's 'grain elevators'.
The muted colors and lack of detail of the elevator and sky speaks late night sleeplessness.
I just wish the facility lights were toned down and dimmed to not be so prominent from the rest of your image. A slight re-edit tweak could be beneficial to elevate your photo to another level.

Second is Donlaw's 'hotel room'.
The blur enhances the idea of insomnia of not focusing on anything in the wee hours.

Third is MiguelATF's 'key board and hands'.
As a black and white image with blurred hands typing away to pass the time of insomnia.

The element all these have in common is unfocused vision, not drawing your attention to any detail.

The other three images have merit because they tell a story, but to a lesser degree from my perspective.

Congratulation JensM for a captivating image that draws me back to it time and again.
Since your the winner you get to pick the next month long Challenge #67.

Thanks everyone for your participation.
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Congratulation JensM for a captivating image that draws me back to it time and again.
Since your the winner you get to pick the next month long Challenge #67.

Thanks everyone for your participation.

Thank you, Mike, for your take on the picture, and you other fellows for the congrats. :drinks:

I will take a few days to ponder the topic for the next challenge, I have a some ideas that I need to assess, before posting it.